Blog, Chirosecure Live Event September 20, 2021

3 Practical Tips if You’re Tired of Babysitting Your Staff

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I wasn’t able to get to this, or I thought so-and-so was supposed to do it. You start thinking to yourself, why wasn’t it done in the way that I wanted it to be done? And this is Chen. Yeah. And your six and seven figure practice make-over mentor and sh and show host of ChiroSecure. Today, today, we’re going to be talking about PR three practical tips. If you’re, if you’re tired of feeling like you’re having to babysit your team. So managing and growing your team is one of the hardest things in when growing a chiropractic practice, because many of you were taught how to be a good doctor, but not necessarily how these kinds of things like stepping into CEO leadership role. Isn’t something that’s taught in school and then you’re out and then a school. And, you know, as you grow, you end up hitting, um, these exp you know, needing to, to deal with these kinds of experiences.

And, and you might either be in a place where you currently have staff right now, and you feel like you’re having to look over their shoulders more than you would like you would just like it to be done well, without you having to, to do that as much, or you might be in a place where you’ve heard of other people’s bad experiences, maybe you have had bad experiences yourself, or you’re just gun shy to hire because of this. And so wherever you’re at with this learning, these three practical tips will help you be able to have better, better experience with your team and have them have more productivity and up to your, your standards so that you are able to hire people to help you and free up your time, more so that you could reach more people, um, than you could alone. You can also be having them making money for you even when you’re not there.

So let’s talk about those three tips. And I would also like to see you go ahead and type in the chat. What are your, your biggest challenges related to team or hiring? So I, I get a sense of that and, um, can also bring in new topics to you that are most relevant to you. So practical tip number one, is, are you setting clear expectations? Are you defining what success looks like in a very specific way of, of, uh, what you’re thinking in your head? You know, for example, I made this mistake quite a bit early on in my first business, and I remember, um, I would expect people to do things with certain sense of urgency just because I felt like, well, that’s, that’s the high standards that everyone should expect. Action. Shouldn’t people on my team already know that. And so I would expect them to, to, um, either have a sense of urgency of deadlines, just like I would or standards just like I would without realizing, oh, I guess they can’t really read my mind.

And my understanding of, of what sense of urgency is, might be different for someone else’s understanding of what they feel like urgency is. So do you have clear expectations set? Do you also share with people, what is the definition of success so that, um, they start to have a bigger picture about this to where also, ideally if you can bring in your vision into your practice more on a daily basis. So what is, what is the vision that, whatever it is that you’re asking them to do, what, uh, how does that tie into your big fish and even little things that you might think, oh, okay. It’s just helped me file this thing. It doesn’t, it feels like, well, that, that might not be something that requires talking about your, your big vision of your practice, but there, uh, it’s still really helpful for people to, to continue to be reminded of the bigger picture purpose of, of, you know, even if they were to, or just acknowledging them at this.

So have so much help to me. Cause, you know, as you, as you free up my time with filing these things and I’m able to, to help more patients have us help more patients. So, so set clear expectations, clearly defined success and share your, your big picture vision whenever possible. The second practical tip is context versus task context versus task. So this is something that I made this mistake of quite a bit. Also, especially earlier on in my business, when I first hired my first admin person, I thought, yay. Um, now I can go and delegate all these things to them. And then my time is going to be freed up. And so sure enough, that did start to happen. But then I felt like I got tired. How many of you have ever felt tired of this, where you felt like you, you kept having to tell your team to do certain things, um, and you wish they would think, think ahead more for the practice or you wish that they would, uh, think for themselves even more, you know, that you know, that they’re capable.

You know, you feel like they’re totally capable of that, but how do you, how do you have that happen to where they are taking ownership more? And, um, and you don’t feel like you always have to let them know, Hey, do this, do this task and that task for this task. And so this is very important, regardless of what, what kind of a level of, you know, whether it’s someone who is an admin person or someone who’s an associate or other kinds of hire a marketing person, you know, what’s the contest to come. So our content has context of why they are doing what they’re doing and do they understand the big picture of impact of this particular thing and the purpose of why this task is? So how can you be cognizant on a regular basis about sharing context over stuff, you know, in terms of doing this task.

And then when, when you make it a habit to set context, um, you will notice you’ll, it’ll set you free faster. I know someone who was an, in an operations role. And I also know knowing the, um, the person who’s the owner of the business and, and the operations person used to always, always get kind of frustrated. She would say, why do you always say these things about context and context? Just tell me what to do and I’ll do it right. And, and a year later, uh, she said too, that the, the, um, owner, she said, oh, I get it now, because now they had a bigger team. And when she understood as the operations manager, uh, understood the context, she was able to translate that context to the rest of the team also. So they ended up thinking more for, for, uh, looking after the practice, looking after taking ownership of, of things.

So that way, um, there was less micromanaging. How many of you would love to be micro-managing last, raise your hand, right. So, yeah. Okay. So what is the third practical tip to, especially if you are tired of babysitting your team or staff, is, do you, uh, is there good training? Is there a good systems and procedure? So both in, uh, in the way of when they first get started to ongoing as well, that make the process really smooth. And do you spend time initially fostering the growth of your team? Or do you kind of just throw them in and say, Hey, you, do you go do this because you, you have these strengths, you know, you said you have all these strengths, you know, why don’t you just, just take it and run with it, you know? And even if you do train, do you kind of still have a little bit of that tendency where you feel like, well, I don’t have time to train because X, Y, Z, because I, I need to see patients during this time.

And I only have all the very, very tiny amount of time left to train. And so you just have to figure this thing out as much as possible. Well, one of the biggest mistakes, a lot of chiropractors make is that, and, and not thinking about how, uh, someone’s success in the, um, as they continue, like what they can actually take off your plate is very dependent on what you set as expectations early on and how they are, how well they’re trained even from, from the start, because if they aren’t trained very well from the start, they might struggle more than, than they really should. And they get frustrated or they might figure stuff out on their own, but then maybe they’re, um, there’s certain things. Remember back to what I mentioned about standards that, that, uh, they, they didn’t have, they didn’t realize were, were important to you because you didn’t, you basically didn’t have time to, to share that with them.

Wait. So, so then, um, that can lead to, to miss alignment of what they think it is in terms of doing good job versus what you think is doing good job. Have you ever had that happen to you before, you know, even having, having staff or employee where, where you were about to fire and they actually thought they were doing a really good job or a staff or employee you felt like I, I, it a wish that things would be different for, and then in terms of how well they’re performing and, and they seem to think they’re doing a wonderful job, right? So it’s, these are some of the things that if we don’t pay attention to early on, it could bleed into how the, um, the expectations are at down the road. And, and, and also in how well they’re really trained. So do you have a 90 day onboarding plan?

Most chiropractors don’t really have a solid 90 day onboarding plan for every role that they want to hire for in the office. And I, and then if you do actually have a 90 day onboarding plan, what are the things that really need to be in it that can help increase the chances of success? So these are some of the things that a lot of chiropractors just don’t think about because it’s not, um, it’s not an every day thing, right? I mean, for, for us, the reason why, why chiropractors come to us for this is because for one, I’ve had experience of, uh, both in failing and in, in the hiring process miserably. And, um, and then also having people come to us to, to recruit for them, this is, this is in my other business. Um, and, and then the, uh, we also have had clients who’ve worked with us and not had these kinds of systems in place.

And then once we actually get it in place, things continue to skyrocket and, and grow significantly. We’ve had recently, we had a client of ours who, who, um, you know, she never had truly, uh, a true onboarding plan and, and also had trouble like she had, she had a revolving door of associates more than she would have liked. And using this process now she’s hired an office manager she’s really excited about. And she’s also, um, in terms of the associates also hiring and hiring associates, it’s really, really exciting. Great. So that’s, what’s possible from, from getting things like this in place that, uh, and then, so as far as systems also in procedures, do you have, uh, systems that, do you feel like you’re reinventing the wheel all the time, or even if you already have, and there are things aren’t documented and so P I, you feel like every time you do something, you have to teach it again.

Even even the training process it’s, are there things in there that could be more automated and streamlined so that you don’t always have to take time out of your day to, to help people with, with, with something like it that way it won’t be so intense. So time intensive with, with training. And then, uh, the other thing is, do you have, have I look out on efficiency for your practice? So sometimes as you grow, there are things that start breaking down. Have you ever noticed that before things become more complicated or the things that used to work earlier on in your business, which you’re doing right now, they’re just, it’s not sustainable. And the next level of growth, whether it’s in a unrealistic, how, how, how much more staff you’ll need to get to, to, to still do it the same way, or, um, or it is in the tediousness of it, or just simply just breaks down.

It doesn’t work too well. So now, if you’ve, if you still, if you’ve actually done the above and, and then you’re still babysitting your team, then it could be that you simply don’t have the right hire and cause the best systems, the best structure, the best leadership, it won’t replace you having the right person. I know that there are many times, um, in my businesses where I would, if something wasn’t working out, I always thought, what am I, how am I showing up? And how am I contributing to this? And maybe I’m not, um, training them as well. Maybe I’m not setting them up for success as well. How can I improve? And then it would always be really hard for me, for example, to let someone go because I would have built a relationship with them. And I mean, it’s still, still a very hard thing for me to do.

And so how many of you can relate to that right in your hearts, like feels softened when, whenever you think about I needed to fire someone and then you don’t, and then, then you end up keeping them for a longer than you really should. And then it actually costs you more. And you’re both perhaps even more dissatisfied both of you. So, so, um, if you’ve done these things that I’ve shared with you with those three practical tips and, um, truly then it may just not be the right person. So instead of holding on to someone longer than you should then look at how can you, um, already be, be, uh, looking for, you know, continue to be, to be hiring. So, um, in terms of being on the lookout for hirings, so my new B, B shopping. So what I’ve thought about doing to help you further with this is how many of you would like to have the toolkit to half your hiring time or cut down the amount of time it takes to, to go and find the right hire and, and attract them and all that.

Right. So what I decided to do is to give you access to this free half your hiring time tool kit, I’m going to pop it in the chat here, so you can click on it and download the T the roadmap to our six and seven figure hiring systems, roadmap, as well as templates that you can use right away. For example, what do you ask in an interview that isn’t typical kinds of interview questions, but that can help you suss out, um, the right candidate more effectively than if you didn’t use it. And there are questions in there that you likely would have never asked people before this has come from years of experience has also come from, from helping our clients and seeing what works and what doesn’t. So you can get the shortcuts to that. So that’s, I’m going to include that. I’m also going to include, you know, have you ever done reference checks before?

And, and then you, uh, it’s, it’s like, there’s only, you still feel like there’s only so much, you can understand if someone through reference check, well, I’m going to give you some of our top refer checks, questions that even when we’ve asked people, these, the references, these questions they’ve said, Hey, those are really good questions. I’m going to start using those, you know, because these aren’t typical kinds of reference questions that, that are being asked. And so you can use them to help you again, have a better, um, understanding of who you’re, you’re thinking about hiring before you hire them. So that way you could prevent management and headaches and, and actually have someone good, be on your team who, who can start freeing up your time, or who can start also helping you bring more revenue into the practice. And if you’re in a place where you’re at a plateau in your practice, and you just know you’re capable of so much more, and you would really like to, um, have a practice you’re proud of, and this next level of growth, we’ve ushered our clients into multi six and seven figures, the introverted way in, in a three to four year timeframe.

So feel free to reach out to us and you can use, you can go to that link and then request, uh, to chat, to see how we can give you insight on how we can help you grow, grow faster, and to you waking up the planet more and that, uh, free templates and download link. You can go to introverted forward slash hiring toolkit. So introverted, toolkit, and, um, till next time. So next week’s show is Charmaine Herman. And so stay tuned for her show next week. And do you waking up the planet and helping more people who need you.