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Hey everybody. It’s Dr. B and Elizabeth two coming to you from Idaho. We are ready to rock and roll today. Giving you everything we can regarding the spinal Gallant reflex, say hello to everybody. Hi, happy June Tuesday. So anyway we’re going to bring you some fun things to think about as amazing ChiroSecure out there trying to change the world.
So let’s hit the slideshow. What do you say, girlfriend? Let’s do it. Let’s slide away. All right, she’s gonna go take a nap while we chat. Cool beans. So here we go. Part five of our amazing primitive reflex series. Let’s rock and roll everybody. First of all, I want to as always thank ChiroSecure for being our sponsor for being.
An incredible part of the chiropractic profession and giving us this platform and really be having our backs. Haha. When we really need ’em. So thank you. ChiroSecure for giving us this opportunity. So let’s dig in a little bit. We are again on part five of our series. We’ve gone through polymer rooting BA we didn’t do Bain Ma tonic labyrinthine, and we are on spinal gold launch today.
Where traditionally again, we like to see our reflexes integrate the Gallant about three to nine months-ish that’s a pretty big window, but what we wanna do here is give you really clinical pertinent pearls, say that pertinent, pearls, clinical pertinent, pearls do for you to start adding to your.
Now whether you wanna do reflux work or not, that’s, your bag of chips. If it is if that’s what you want, however, we should be mindful of being able to assess these and know the neurological consequences from a chiropractic standpoint of if they’re still too active in hanging out. So we used to again say reflexes integrate basically.
Again, they’re the roots of the nervous system. They should quiet down, not be active or persistently active past the age of one year. Keep in mind that in times of stress, trauma, toxins, our thought patterns, technology. Tethered restrictions, including subluxation that causes tethered restrictions, tension torsion, and the terrain, environmental terrain, internal terrain, and external terrain that we are exposed to all will create stress, which can a not allow these reflexes to integrate or
B. Reactivate them in times of increased stress loads. So the spinal Gallant it integrates again about three to nine months, somewhere between there again, reflexes rely on movement patterns. We need to go through these movement patterns. In order for these reflexes to integrate, to not be persistently active.
And this particular reflex is associated with a rolling pattern, which we’ll get to in just a minute. So it is important in the birthing process, like the ATR asymmetrical tonic, neck reflex, it’s important with regard to helping the pelvis cork screw and engage basically in the vaginal can.
For baby to descend for optimal birthing position. So we want this to be active and engaged in utero. It is important. It is a gross motor. It’s gonna be important in gross core. Again, core stability comes on before fine motor gross motor before fine motor. So this is gonna help our balance and our coordination of body parts.
It helps us progress to rolling, to creeping, to crawling and to walking. So it is associated with three major three, not two. I know my fingers, three major sensory systems. As we’ve talked about before and go back, feel free to go back either to the intersect for life Facebook page intersect for life educational seminars, Facebook page, and or ChiroSecure Facebook page to look at old versions at the beginning of the series that we’ve been doing.
So every reflex kind of represents the maturation. Of sensory systems, sensory motor systems. And in this case, we’re looking at auditory, tactile proprioception. So the spinal Gallant reflex, if it is not integrating, it stays persistently active. These three sensory systems may be problematic. Sensory motor systems may be problematic.
Okay. In the little fiddle fart, what we do is we, have them prone over moms on mom’s belly, over our pregnancy pillows over our Bobby, whatever. And you are just merely stroking LA just lateral to the spine. And what we’re looking for is. I always tell when I’ve been teaching, I’ve been, I really brought this work fourth to the chiropractic pediatric profession over 20 years ago.
And when I would teach with the ICP, I would say it looks like a horse flinching or a cat kind of flinching when you do the stroke. So you can look for even a mild sign of just this flinch, flicker flinch on the skin. To a more marked finding. So a flinch would be just a mild persistently active finding versus an actual lateral flexion.
We actually see the THAC lumbar region laterally flex. That is a more marked or more actively persistent spinal Gant reflex. All right. So little fiddle, farts, easy. The older child. You simply have them on all fours. And you can take a, your fingertip, you can take a paint brush in this picture right here, you see the brush that is in my reflex hammer, and we just start at the scapular border and stroke, just eh, a half inch or so lateral to the spine.
And again, in this picture, you can see where she laterally flexes to the. Okay. So the more it mimics a very infantile reflex, the more it is. Okay. The more persistent it is. So again, in the, up to nine months-ish, if you see it active, it’s not a freak out point. Because they are primitive reflexes that should be there in that infant.
However, if you’re getting into nine months, 10 months and you see it persistently active, that’s where a concern comes in. So what motor movement patterns do we want to engage the little fiddle fart in, in order to help this reflex integrate? We wanna think, don’t think from a. Let’s intervene when it’s past the point of normal, let’s shift our mindset to a preventative mode, meaning we want to optimize optimal neural development by being proactive.
And so what motor movement pattern is that is a rolling pattern. So hold on, we’ll get there. If it says active. What we tend to see with this particular reflex is bedwetting, particularly inner Reeses during the day. And some feel that is because the kiddos are wearing pants, especially jeans or so forth that are a little snug around the waist.
And that may activate that reflux. So past the age of five, persistent bad wedding. This is one only one of the potential causes. All right. There’s many reasons we can do a whole thing on Ansis poor, gross motor, but again, you have poor gross motor. You’re gonna have poor fine motor cuz gross motor needs to come on board for first.
These are often kids that are So to have ants in the pants, they can’t sit still. They’re fidgety and ants in the pants. Okay. So trouble with paying attention, they get misdiagnosed with behavioral issues with ADHD, et cetera, the spinal as the, as with ATR as well is associated with scoliosis.
What you may tend to find is if it’s persistently active on one side, you may see that lateral curvature drawn to that side. So you can get a lateral curve or an outright scoliosis. If it’s left unchecked concentration coordination, poor posture, again, these gross motor milestones we know that poor postural stability is associated.
A number of labels, ADHD, autism, you name it. All right. So it stands the reason that we’re seeing this. So what do we wanna do to help it integrate from a proactive standpoint, segmental rolling movement patterns. That’s one that we’re gonna really focus on. You might have seen that. One of the exercise given for the persistently active spinal Gallant is snow angels, but let’s talk a little bit we wanna do.
In kind of a specific manner with little fiddle farts, you can start with engaging while they’re supine engaging both arms to move at the same time. And you do that. You do the movement, actually the adult caregiver does the movement, both arms, both legs right arm, right leg left arm, left leg. Do the, if the caregiver’s doing it very slow and controlled, so that both arms are coming out and together in the equal, accurate timing, and both legs are in the older kiddo or the adult.
What you want them to do is you want them again to do it slow controlled. I say that their extremities should be, they should pretend that their suction cup are glued to the floor. We don’t want floppy movements and where their arms and legs are up off the floor when a very slow controlled snug to the floor movements.
And you have them start with all extremities, arms, and legs. Out and then in out, and then in three to five times, and then have them just do one arm at a time, both arms together, one leg at a time, each leg separately, then just the right arm and right leg and left arm and left leg, et cetera. Very slow and control.
So those are snow angels. We don’t just want them out there flopping. Okay. And doing snow angels in your little fiddle part in your baby in what you wanna see is you wanna see them being able to roll on their side and stay on their side a little bit and laterally flex their head. and stay there for a little bit.
And maybe you have the parent on the other side, the caregiver doing some eye to eye, social contact looking at a toy, so forth again, it’s that lateral flexion movement that you’re looking for to engage. So these are some things that we wanna do to be proactive as well as to use. If you see it persistently active, think.
Bigger talk title bomb. This is a big paper that’s been out there for years. And you’re hearing more and more about it, what he looked at. And this is why you might see that an abnormal rolling pattern is associated with autism. I don’t want you to get Huang up on if you see this, that automatically says that child has autism, let’s not go there too early in the game to even.
Determine, we need to understand that poor motor milestones are associated with a number of labels. But poor movement patterns is poor is is showing you a window into their neurological integrity, their brain development. Looking at rolling. That is a movement pattern that we wanna be mindful of.
We should have a co screw rolling pattern from about, about three, three to four months. Ish. You start seeing that co screw pattern starting from the pelvis and rolling through the pelvis, cork screw through the trunk, and then. The shoulders follow at about six months, you start that cork screw rolling pattern with the shoulders, through the trunk, and then the pelvis follows.
So we wanna look for this cork screw pattern versus the picture here where that little fiddle fight rolls over onto their side first, and then flops as a whole unit, like a whole. Okay. We don’t, we want to be mindful that’s something we want to be proactive of and what we can do is we can foster proper segmental motion.
And let’s see if this video’s gonna work for us here. Maybe maybe not. Okay. We will hang on a second.
Let’s for some reason, my video is not rolling today, but what we wanna do is you can have them supine. If I’m gonna have this little fiddle fart rolling from right to left, I would put a slight tug on the right. Excuse me, slight tag on the left leg. Bend the right knee of the little photo fart, and just start to engage them in a little bit of a roll through the trunk and let them sit there for a while.
Hang on. Let me see if I’m gonna switch here for just a minute. So I would have Elizabeth, I would, let’s say I want her to get rolling. This way I would tug on her left leg, bring her right knee over and just let her kind of sit there a minute. And then when she’s ready, she’ll engage and roll all the way over.
Let them do the work. Okay. Let the little fiddle farts do the work. And you would do that to both sides. We wanna engage rolling from both sides. Cool beans cafe, and the same thing we would do from prone to supine. And we’ve showed this to you before in various other classes that we’ve done with.
ChiroSecure the other thing, that’s a great way. So integration maneuvers, we talked about snow angels. We talked about segmental. Rolling. And this is a great one. I call it squishy bug and stretchy snake. That’s what I tell. So what I do is have them lie on their side. If they have scoliosis, let’s say the lateral curvature is to the right.
I might do eight reps on the right and four on the left. Okay. So I have them lying on side. Putting my hands on their hip and their shoulder. And I’m just, I am squishing them together. Okay. So squishy bug I’m squishing their shoulder and their hip together. And I’m holding for a count of 10.
And then the next set, next time I will have, I will push, I will be pushing them together, like trying to flex them together. And I ask them to resist against me and they have to push against my hand here. They have to push their shoulder superior and their hip inferior and push against me and hold for a can 10, 10.
It’s basically like an I semantic contraction that I want them to do. Then I’ll roll them to the other side and I’ll do the other side and then I will have them. Then I will cross my hands and we’ll do stretchy snake. So this is squishy bug. I’m squishing them together and they’re initially not resisting.
And the second time they’re resisting, then I’m having them do stretchy snake. Like I’m stretching them. I am crossing my hands. One hand is on the hip. One hand is on the should. And I am just stretching them out, hold for count of 10, and then I’m keeping that position. And I want them to try to resist against my hands, basically trying to laterally, flex their trunk against resistance of my hand, hold for a count of 10.
So I’ll actually do this maneuver, then this maneuver, then roll them over. Do the other side. And then let’s say there is a scoliosis on the right side. I will just lie them for the last extra four on that side. I will just have them face up and do extra on that side. Okay. So squishy bud squishing him together and then stretchy snake stretching him again.
You’re stretching that core core. Tone. What I have found with spinal Gallant is I use a nervous scope and this is just clinically. What I found over the years is that when I scope them, I will often find the break at the point of subluxation. And I will often see that’s when it also elicits a spinal Gallant with, to elicits a spot of blunt response.
So it’s not, a hundred percent, but what I want you to think of is if you use a, any kind of nervous scope or any kinda instrumentation, and you see the, especially the THAC lumbar junction L one L four, those are big areas. If you see that spinal reflex start to become activated at that point, you’ll often see the subluxation there as.
So just keep that in mind as well. That is some awesome information about spinal Gallant. Hopefully this was very helpful for you. We will. This one might play, here we go.
This will pull it all together for you. We’re gonna do.
We’re gonna a puppy this way. Okay. Fabulous. Okay. We’re gonna get on our hands. It’s just like that, like a puppy. Okay. Is it okay if I live to up just a little bit? Okay. Puppy, dog. All right. So with the spinal lot, we can use our fingertip and just start midcap region and we go, okay. And so we’re gonna checks for that lateral reflection or the the paraspinal muscles twitching by fat.
Okay. That would be a positive spinal is associated with your tactile. Auditory and proprioceptive systems. A lot of people forget the auditory part. And it’s actually through the vibrational sense that comes up from the CNS, from the spinal cord to the CNS. Okay. And that’s the spinal. Okay. So if we have a positive spinal, the lot.
It can contribute to scoliosis. And we often see ESIS past the age of five, lots of times during the day the be the wedding. And that’s because the waistband that a lot of pants come about, the level that the spinal Levant gets activated. So a couple things we can do. Can we do some squishy buds and stretchy snakes?
Sure. Sure. Okay. So you put them in a sideline position and we just are taking the hip and the shoulder and squishing together that, and we do a stretchy where we take and we’re doing the opposite hands are crossed. I don’t remember. You can remember those and they’re stretching about, so we’re gonna do squishy bud.
Hold for count of 10 and stretch your snake and you just elongating that good job Al. And sometimes we do that in the beam bag chair to make it easier. Huh? Sometimes you in the bag, we okay. And you’re gonna do three to five on each side. So now we’re gonna do the other side. We’re gonna roll this way now.
Okay, ready? Okay. Squishy, squish it together. Awesome. And stretchy
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Good job. And help with the okay. For a little part. Okay. We can check. You want this up? Good job. Okay. We can do the spinal Gallant anywhere. Anyhow, so I can have him lying like this and again. Okay. So you’ll see. All right.
So a, still a little bit present on hair. So I would do the same thing with him that I do with Allie. Boom, squish on do three
to five on each side. Boom boom.
And then to lot and a little part. So there
you have. Squishy bed, stretchy snake in those videos. I did not have them do the resistance, but you can have them do the resistance, ISME resistance in the stretchy bed and the stretches in the squishy bed and stretchy snake. Ugh. So there you have it. Enjoy this again. I wanna thank ChiroSecure for giving us a plat this platform and use this information.
Go out there. Keep changing lives, keep changing the future and turning the tide for those generations to come. They need us more than ever. And you will see Erik Kowalke back here on July, the first Thursday of July. We’re hitting that already and I’ll be back the third Thursday of July to bring you more entertainment and fun.
So from me to you and Elizabeth too, we wanna wish you an amazing 4th of July and we’ll see you in July. Boom.