Chiropractic Management of a Patient with Post-Traumatic Vertigo of Complex Origin
A ChiroSecure Research Update
Abstract: To illustrate a case of vertigo in a patient with cervical spine injury and mild traumatic brain injury following a motor vehicle accident and present chiropractic and rehabilitative procedures used for management.
Discussion: A 30-year-old female had neck pain, head pain, a variety of cognitive problems, vertigo, and restricted cervical range of motion following a serious motor vehicle collision. Following several weeks of chiropractic management with positive progress, the patient suddenly had worsening of vertigo and cognitive problems. Positional vertigo was ruled out by the emergency room doctors and a neurologist. A neuropsychological assessment indicated that mild traumatic brain injury was present.
The patient began chiropractic treatment with both passive and active care, prior to the vertigo incident. Following the vertigo incident, treatment was modified to include 6 weeks of cervical exercises in clinic and at home. The patient reported the resolution of the vertigo following the chiropractic treatment plan.
Conclusion: This case reports presents an example of vertigo that improved under chiropractic management. This case illustrates the benefits of adding mild traumatic brain injury to differential diagnoses, co-managing care with other providers, and modifying treatment when necessary. Further research is suggested to study the contribution that chiropractic management could offer to those with neurological injury.
Reference: Collins ME, Misukanis TM. Chiropractic management of a patient with post-traumatic vertigo of complex origin. J Chiropr Med. 2005 Winter;4(1):32-8. doi: 10.1016/S0899-3467(07)60110-4. PMID: 19674644; PMCID: PMC2647031.