Blog, Chirosecure Live Event February 11, 2021

Doc, Whose Talking Care of You? Julie McLaughlin, DC

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Hello, everybody. Welcome to Empowering Women sponsored by ChiroSecure. I am your host today, Dr. Julie McLaughlin from Vital Health Protocols. And we are going to be talking about you. We are going to talk about Doc, Who’s taking care of you because really, if you’re not being taken care of, you’re not going to be around to be taking care of your patients. And we know that this is a real issue in our profession because so many docs are having to quit practice, retire early, take a leave because they’re not taking care of their own health. And so let’s talk a little bit about that and how we can help support you. And you can support yourself in taking better care of your health. So I have a few slides, so let’s get started with showing the slides.

So, first of all, we’d like to thank ChiroSecure because we wouldn’t be here giving all this awesome information week after week, without them among many, many other things that they do so well for us. So everybody let’s give a little bit of love, like hearts, thumbs up likes, um, to kind of secure because they are just an awesome, awesome, uh, insurance company. And they literally have our backs. So when we think about chiropractors, we know that we all get adjusted, but what else could we do to be taking better care of our health and let’s face it. I know there’s a lot of docs out there not even getting adjusted. So I care about you and I care about that. You’re taking care of yourself and who’s taking care of you, right? Because what’s your story. Why did you become a chiropractor? Right? It is an absolute noble calling and we have the privy to the innermost details and vulnerabilities to people’s lives, right?

And it requires great compassion and empathy. And only certain people are capable of delivering this day in day out. And you, my friend are one of them, but you know what? We as docs have those same vulnerabilities. We have those same little details. That can be a problem. And so there is a dark side of practice because carpenters are being forced into early retirement due to the lack of their taking care of their own health. They’re getting health problems. And when we see this, we don’t actively seek out care because we don’t live in that allopathic model. We won’t seek that out unless our house is on fire. And by then, it’s too late. And I have treated to many of my colleagues that have found themselves in this place. They, they, they thought I’m in perfect health. I’m good. I, I see patients all day long and one day they woke up and that’s not the case anymore.

And that really is a dark side of our profession. And I don’t want you to ignore this any way and any more anyway, because it’s very, very simple to predict, prevent, and yes, even reverse chronic disease that every chiropractor in the U S has a potential to having. So we are going to talk about what we can do about it, because I always say this to my patients, and I’m going to say this to you just because you don’t feel sick. Doesn’t mean you’re healthy. No one wakes up and says, today’s the day I’m going to have a heart attack. Today’s the day I’m going to have diabetes today. I’m going to get diagnosed with cancer. No one says that you wake up today and say, Oh, what do I got to do? I got this many people. I got to do this. I got to do that.

But guess what? You have to take care of you. You have to take care of you. You’re probably taking better care of your car. Then you’re taking care of your health. And so what’s the risk, right? Sometimes we think we’re invincible. We hear people’s problems all day long, but we don’t even know what the real risk is to our own health. So I have a little risk assessment. I’m going to show you three questions. I want you to answer as we go along. So does anyone in your family have heart disease? And when I’m talking to heart disease, I’m talking high blood pressure, high cholesterol, God forbid that they had a stroke or a heart attack, right? Any of those things, or most importantly, does anyone had an early onset heart disease event? Like, do they have a heart attack before the age of 50 or before?

The age of 60? Those are huge, huge risk factors. In fact, even if it’s not your own health and you just have those risk factors, you need to know because did you know that someone in your family having a heart disease early onset is the number one risk. We know heart disease is the number one killer, and let’s face it. We treat people in pain all day long. We know it creates inflammation in their spine and their muscles, everything that we treat, but also creates it in their cardiovascular system. The difference is heart attack will kill you, right? We can get rid of that pain, but a heart attack will kill you. I want you to know your risk because if you have a family member that has early onset heart disease, that doubles your risk of having the same thing. If you have somebody in your family that had a heart attack or a bed or heart disease before the age of 35, that 10 times your risks.

But guess what? If you know that information and you know where you are, we can turn those numbers off, but I need you to look at it, right? What about this? Do you, or your spouse or your significant other snore, right? You think snoring? Like, what the heck? What’s, what’s up with that? Why are we talking about this? Right. But we know sleep is super, super important to your health, but did you know snoring has a higher cardiovascular risk than smoking or obesity and combined, right? That’s right. So if your, your spouse’s over there, snoring, they have a harder, a higher risk of having a heart attack than if they smoked and were obese. Right? And so the only way you’re going to know this is by looking at blood work and docs. I know what I am talking to all my friends. They’re not getting their labs done.

And I’m very worried about all of you. That’s why I am doing this because, you know, we take care of our patients, but we need to take care of each other. And that’s what I really want you to know. What about this? Do your gums bleed when you brush your teeth, right? Do you see like a little bit of blood when you spit out that toothpaste into the bowl, did you know that periodontal disease or bleeding gums will double or even triple your risk of heart attack or stroke? You need to know your lab numbers because it’s silent. You’re not going to come in and go. I think you know this right artery over here has got a little cholesterol in it. You’re never going to come in and do it. You have to know, but these are little signs that we don’t think of.

You think of, Oh, I brushed my teeth too hard. Or maybe I got, you know, adjustments to my Invisalign or whatever you’re doing. We always have an excuse, but the reality is double or triple the risk of a heart attack. Cause your gums are bleeding. So we need to make sure that you’re being taken care of because it’s just not just our patients. Right? We as providers are affected too, 90% of providers feel that healthcare is on the wrong track. I think you guys can all agree, right? We’re dealing in sick care and not in healthcare. And 74% of chiropractors are forced into early retirement due to health problems. That is just criminal. We need more chiropractors in our profession. We need more people helping people with what we do. And 50% of chiropractors have been reporting burnout due to poor self care, right? How many days can you go into the office?

Day after day? If you feel really bad yourself, it’s not even feasible. And then we have burnout, but what really is those underlying causes, right? That’s what we want to know. All we have to do is look at the statistics of the American population to see how crazy this is. Because one out of two Americans will suffer chronic disease. And I got to tell you, chiropractors don’t have an immunity to this. We don’t have like, well, it’s not going to happen to me. We all think we do, but we don’t because chronic diseases responsible for seven out of 10 deaths, right? We’re not just talking about pain here. We’re talking about things that are absolutely could kill us in 84% of healthcare dollars go towards chronic disease. Two thirds of Americans are overweight and a one in three are obese, right? It’s really crazy. And you know what, it’s the same thing in our chiropractic population of docs, auto immune diseases have tripled over the last 50 years, not to mention a pandemic, right?

And over half Americans are taking medications. How many patients do we have saying, you know, do you have any cholesterol problems? Nope. I don’t have a classroom problem. Why? See you’re taking a stat in here. Well, yeah. That’s why I don’t have a cholesterol problem. You do have a cholesterol problem. That’s why you’re taking the Stockton. We can’t put our heads in the sand anymore because you know what I need to make sure as this profession goes on, I’ve been in this profession a long time that we have docs who are able to take care of people. So we got to take care of you, right? Because you will never change things by fighting the existing reality to change something, build a new model and make the existing model obsolete. Right? That’s what we need to do. This is my absolute favorite quote is by Buckminster fuller.

And I just love that. So what are we going to do? I want you to know this, that every chiropractor, every chiropractor in every state in the United States is licensed to order blood work. I’m not telling you, you have to order, you know, draw blood in your office, but you are licensed to order it. And you’re licensed to order it on yourself, right? You are the patient. We want to take care of you. We want to help contractors learn this additional paradigm. We want you to start out and be the patient. We want you to take care of your families. Look at what they’re doing. Because if you started to do this, even in your practice, if you said, I’m just going to do it on me and your family, that’s awesome. We need that. If you sit down, I’m going to do it with my patients.

One doc, doing this could help more than 30,000 people. That’s huge. A movement like that could change the healthcare of this United States. And when was the last time you had your labs done? That’s what I want to know. When was the last time put it in the chat? Tell me, was it a year ago? Was it five years ago? Or was it like, you know, I really don’t remember. I don’t like going to the doctor. Right. But guess what? You can order it yourself on yourself and you can help prevent, predict and reverse any chronic disease. It’s super, super affordable. The cash prices are not, not, you know, expensive at all because we know that that can be a barrier, but no, one’s going to come in and say, Oh, I think my liver’s off of today. Right? You have to measure it. What measured gets measured gets managed.

And so is this for you? I want you to think about, should I get my labs done? Should I get the labs done on my family? I have the ability in my license in every state to order it. So if you are family or friends are suffering from a con chronic health issue. Absolutely do it. If you have any risk factors, absolutely do it. If you haven’t had your blood done in the last year, absolutely do it. You have to know, think about if you went and you didn’t get adjusted in a year or five years or however long it’s been, since you had your labs done, that would be really bad. Right? I always say, if someone told me I could never get adjusted again, I would die. That would be like the worst thing ever, right? This is super, super important. And this is for you.

And it’s to save your life is to save. Your practice is to save your family is to take care of you docs because nobody else is doing it. We have to make sure that our chiropractors are healthy and we’re taking care of each other. And so it’s not out of our reach. It’s easy, it’s inexpensive. It could save a life and it could be your very own or someone in your family. So please, please docs take care of you. If you want to learn more, if you want to learn what you can do to take care of yourself, let me know. Here’s my email,, because let’s face it. We have to keep this profession going and we have to stay healthy to do it. So that’s it for today. Um, I want to thank ChhiroSecure again for sponsoring this. And I want you to join us again in two weeks with empowering women and Dr. Nathalie Beauchamp. We’ll be speaking to all of you. So have a great day and I’ll see you soon.

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