Dr. Daniel Bai can be contacted at (815) 534-5567 or by visiting: closeforchiro.com
Complete transcript (Click here to download this transcript):
Dr. Daniel Bai: Hey, everyone. Good afternoon. This is yours truly, Dr. Dan, with CloseForChiro, where we show you how to get the yes with less stress.
I want to first thank ChiroSecure for having me here today. I got to tell you, I keep with a lot of stuff, and Alan Weinstein, Stu Hoffman and team, and Sharon, are doing a fantastic job, not only providing really good service on the malpractice front, but also it seems like, from what I’m seeing, is doing a bang-up job, being committed to getting our profession informed about subjects of liability and compliance. So huge shout-out to the ChiroSecure team.
They are, indeed, my malpractice provider because I am, indeed, in practice, just like you guys out there. I even plunge toilets, believe it or not. I do payroll, which I just got an email about doing that. I have floors to mop, I have stock to buy, and I have face paper to tear. I see my own patients. I manage cases.
And I got to tell you something, doing the work every day, just like you guys, I understand where you’re coming from. I understand the challenges, and I don’t really know how I would understand those challenges if I wasn’t doing it, which is a really important aspect of why I do what I do. Because one thing I want to do, for sure, for my colleagues out there, is to empower you with the certainly that there’s certain things that you should be doing in practice and should not be doing practice.
For those of you who don’t know me by now, I’m in the reporter findings business. I want to show my docs how to do a day one, day two, so that not only do your patients say yes to you, which they should be, but you’re also demanding the fees that you deserve, as well as setting up the first two days in your practice, so that for the remainder of the time that you have with your patients, it’s optimal so that you can serve your patients to the highest abilities as possible.
That’s really what we do here, but before we get into any of that, I do want to get something off my chest. This has been bothering me for a good amount of time, and that has to do with this idea and this concept, or this subject matter called sales. Now, I know. Anytime I say that word, for some of you out there, it tugs on us, really negative part of your core, because you all think that sales is something that’s negative, or it’s sleazy, or it’s something that you shouldn’t be doing, and selling people on this, and selling people on that.
I got to tell you, one of my purposes in this industry, in the chiropractic industry, is to rebrand this thing we call sales. Because, frankly, sales is not fraudulent. It’s not manipulation. It only gets that press because any time someone sells something fraudulently, or through manipulation, we talk about it. But in actuality, sales is service. Sales is a way for us to serve our community and serve our patients, because it’s actually the highest level of communication you can achieve through your patients, so that they know exactly what you’re doing and how you’re doing it.
To me, that is the whole purpose of chiropractic, right. We’re DCs, the doctor of conduction. We want to connect people. We’re in the relationship business. However, when it comes down to learning and utilizing how to make someone across from you say yes to what you do, somehow that becomes something that we wing in our offices every single day.
I got to tell you something, we may spend time, energy, and money on our paint color, our furniture, our staff, our malpractice insurance, our EHR, and then when it comes down to doing something in our offices, in order for us to get someone across from us to understand what chiropractic is and what it’s not and willing to pay for it, we somehow seem to wing it.
I got to say, though, one of the things that happens in the typical practice is this panic syndrome when we feel like we’re not hitting our goals, when we’re not seeing the numbers that we should be seeing, when we’re not making the revenue that we should be making. One of the knee jerk reflexes that happens in this profession, that I see, is that we start wanting to diversify.
What I mean by that is, if you have a menu of services that consists of one thing … Let’s just say, for argument’s sake, is that you’re an adjustment exclusive office, and that’s what you want to do, and you feel like you’re not making ends meet doing that, one of the biggest mistakes I see in the industry is that we start to diversify.
What that’s like is like, back in the ’60s or ’70s, whenever McDonald’s started, they got really good at selling one thing, and one thing only. Burgers, and fries, and soft drinks, that’s what they did. It wasn’t until they learned how to sell that very well, over time, is when they started to diversify their offerings. Now, I can go to McDonald’s and I can buy a breakfast burrito. The reason that sells just as good as a burger is because they got really good at selling one thing and one thing only.
Doctors in the field, my colleagues, my profession, my industry, one of the things I want to impart to you all is that there’s a correct way to sell one thing. For us, as far as I’m concerned, it should be the adjustment. If we can all rally behind that and learn how to sell the adjustment so that it’s something that your community wants and are willing to pay for, we are absolutely going to break through that market share that we don’t have right now.
Now, so let me give you an example. One of the things that we do in our offices, is that when we start talking about things that we do, we say it and we explain it from our perspective. Now, I got to tell you something, even though you might not think it’s a selfish thing to do, I’m telling you, it’s a very self serving and selfish thing to do, to explain things and communicate that from the perspective of the provider, and that’s you.
All too often, I see docs in the field explain what they do, and I … You know what? I know for a fact that, when I hear a doctor explaining what they do, I can feel their passion for what they do. So we have no lack of passion. How could you not? If you’re in practice for any length of time and you see the miracles that come in through your office every single day, how could you not be passionate about it?
But when you’re explaining to someone who doesn’t know anything about what you do, you explain it from your perspective. You’ll talk about the science. You’ll talk about the research. You’ll talk about the philosophy. While you’re doing that, the person across from you has no idea what you’re talking about. And the only one who feels good about this at the end of the day is the chiropractor. See, that’s not sales. That’s not communication. That’s nothing. That’s just one person on a diatribe about what he or she does, to satisfy their own need and eagerness to share this with the community.
So, what do we do? We all have to understand that everyone has a different level of understanding about a subject matter. Right now, chiropractic, in terms of its understanding from the general public, is still in its infancy. Chiropractic is so deep, it has so much depth, that to the degree that we understand, and entrenched, and passionate about chiropractic, is the degree that we become disconnected with our communities. Let me say that one more time. To the degree that we are passionate about what we do, is the degree that we get disconnected from our community.
What that means is, we’re so into our stuff that we don’t actually break it down and make it consumable for the general population. That’s one of the things I think ChiroSecure does so well. I mean, we’re talking insurance business. It’s way over my head. But the way Stu, and Al, and everyone breaks down is they put it into a perspective that we can understand as troglodytes, as someone who’s just a common person. See, that’s respectful to their community. That’s respectful to the marketplace. And until our profession can do that, I believe we’ll continue to struggle.
So what’s the answer here? Well, the answer’s very simple. Doctors, any time you open your mouth, think about what it’s going to sound like from the perspective of your prospectives. Now, I know you all can do that. You know why? Because you all have been consumers way before you were salespeople. And I know you consume things every single day, so if you just take the time out, and you think about what you want to say, from the perspective of your prospect, the words change, your connection changes.
I want to let you know, at CloseForChiro, this is what we do. We make the concept of sales consumable for the average modern chiropractor, because we all know the market change is changed, even in the past five years. Unless we learn how to adapt and change our languaging, so that it is picked up by our community, that has no clue on about what we do, we’ll continue to struggle.
Our Day One Day Two Masterclass is literally that. We take a doc from zero to 100, A to Z, and literally hold their hand and walk them through exactly how to say something, when to say it, the timing of it, the sequencing of it, so that we increase the odds of the other person, our prospects, our patients, saying, “Yes, I understand it, and yes, I want it, and yes, I’m willing to pay what you want me to pay for it.” That’s what a masterclass is.
We don’t work on contracts. It’s a one-and-done, and that’s another problem that I find in the profession, is that, you know what? You don’t have to be married to something. We just want to show you how to do it and you’re done. Our next masterclasses, depending on when you’re listening to this, is May 18th and 19th in Irvine, California. It’s a two-day process. You fly in, you fly out, and on Monday, you start to see the returns, and I’m not just saying that. This is what I’m being told by over 2,000, almost 3,000 chiropractors that I’ve trained over the five or six years.
We guarantee it. In other words, if, after the first day, it ain’t for you, it ain’t for you. We don’t play games because I know for certain that one of the things that you don’t have any more of in your professional lives is you don’t have any more time to waste. So, again, I hope you got something out of that. Again, this is Dr. Bai, with CloseForChiro, where we show you how to get the yes with less stress. Thanks for tuning in, everybody.
Speaker 2: This has been a ChiroSecure production.