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Greetings, everybody. I’m Dr. Claudia Anrig. co editor of the amazing third edition textbook, Chiropractic Pediatrics. We’re so excited about this textbook here and new authors, great techniques out there. For many of you, you’ve seen me at seminars with first adjustment where I’m teaching eight hours of why children need to have chiropractic care to four hours of adjusting pediatric newborn examination, adjusting, and even including pelvic floor.
Some of the other things that I’ve been involved with. I’m the past president of the ICPA. I worked elbow by elbow with actually Dr. Larry Webster. I created with him the ICPA certification program and so forth. And I’m one of two people that are authorized to teach the Webster technique.
But today what I’m here about is to share a little bit, some of our concerns on the third component of the drugging of our children, something that’s just as massively just scary that here in America, this is allowed to happen. This goes with obesity drugs and over the counter stuff.
Sleeping aids for children, as well as prescriptions and so forth. One thing before we get started, I also want to thank the amazing ChiroSecure family there. They’re my family. And the fact that they love sharing information. So we’re going to get started with our slideshow. So everything in talking about children’s obesity, depending on what kind of decade did you grow up in, I remember as a little kid in elementary school that maybe I would have seen.
One kind of a chubby little child out there, and back then we would use, nobody was ever called fat. It was chubby and it wasn’t very many children whatsoever. However, what we’re seeing now is that depending on your demographics, where you live Again individuals who are lower socioeconomic potency because they’re eating poor quality of food.
We’re seeing a high propensity towards obesity in the pediatric population. We’re going to go into depth about that in just a moment from now. One of the things that we want everybody to be aware of is, what we want everybody to be aware of–
Stop drugging our children. So I’m very hopeful for the future because we have an advocate on the truth end of it and this will help children with this issue with obesity and so forth. One of the things I’m going to refer to, I held up my beautiful book. It’s a third edition.
I’m really encouraging. I was just talking to a colleague this morning. She was having an issue with working with a clinical case and she said and I finally talked to her this morning, but she says, you know what? I realized I had your book. I opened it up and I went through it and my goodness, it answered everything I needed to have.
So please get the textbook. It’s a great reference book for every practice of chiropractic. If you need to know more about me, what’s my stuff, like my schedule, my teaching schedule and so forth, please go to my website, drclauAnrigick. com. We have a section there called free stuff. It just, all you have to do is submit your email so that you can back to me.
We have access to that area and download some flyers and articles and different things like that. So we’re all excited. We have a very just wonderful website that we use. So what’s all this stuff about the obesity? The World Health Organization says, you know what, we have got it is tripled the weight of children.
And so this tripling of the weight of kids getting into over, 19 percent or 14 million children are now considered obese. And the majority of that since 1975 is in the United States and it got really massively bad through the COVID year and a half to two years because people weren’t moving and leaving their homes.
And so we were really just saddened by this obesity and the restrictions and so forth. From ages, get this, 2 to 19, what is the two year old having, during COVID, having a jump up of obesity? That makes no sense. Two year olds are just running around, falling, tumbling, playing, and all the rest. So how do two year olds weights go up?
And so basically in just a year and a half period, it doubled. And so this is very frightening statistics that we need to be aware of. Doctors. One of the things that is out there on forms of drugs at the American Academy of Pediatrics, this was a year ago, and 2023, I was working with my mentorship program, my doctors in generations, and I was giving them an update to the latest usage of drugs and kids, All of a sudden right before it releases workshops and handouts for their patients and clients practice members all of a sudden the American Academy of Pediatrics releases this information that we’re giving approval to give prescribed medications that is used for adults.
Never get this. What’s the ethics about this? Never tested in the pediatric population. Zero. Not even the teenagers and so forth. But now the American Academy of Pediatrics went through their committee and said, you know what? It’s okay. We’ll give it because we have an obesity issue. So rather than getting to the source of the problem, food source, Right food educate parents food sources and move the body.
We’re just going to drug them We have to remember what does pharma love they want you what our kids our families? North america they want us from the womb to the tomb And what’s really because I come from a background my parents immigrated from switzerland. I go back to europe Often and one of the things I never see I never there’s no obesity There’s no overweight children there whatsoever they and matter of fact in europe They would consider that negligence to give kids drugs.
They always look at lifestyle first in Europe. Maybe they’re more reflective of it, but they really go for the lifestyle method. But these are the drugs that are out there, Oral Set, Wegovi, and so forth. All the drugs, and one of the sad things that you can see on television now is how much these drugs are out there being promoted by pharma.
Now, a lot of For the adult population, not pediatrics, but the message is still coming through. And again, the side effects of it, the contraindications, I’m going to break that down for you, so that you become aware of it. In the oral area right through here, one of the things that it ends up having is it’s a It’s very hard to absorb, so even though these kids will lose weight and so forth, what it can also do, and again, it was only designed for the adult population, is that this absorption, they have a lot of health issues because as it’s blocking the fat, sometimes it affects the stools and so forth, and so that’s fatty stools, end up with oily, gassy discharge, and a lot of times for the kids, what can happen, this happens with adults, because adults who are using products like that.
They say that sometimes, and imagine the trauma on a campus that these that could happen because it happens with adults is that they gas or they poop literally into their underwear and so forth because everything’s so oily and there’s discharge and loose stools. And also to stomach aches rectal pain.
And so forth. And of course contraindication if they already had an existing digestive order or gallbladders. Now, usually in the pediatric population, that’s not the issues that they’re having, but that’s what it’s done in the adult population. The next product here is Lyrica Glyco. And what it is it was being used for children.
They’ve saying it’s okay for ages 12 to 17, and that if you the child was weighing in about 132 pounds and body weight, they, consider that it would be okay to use it in this pediatric population group. But here’s a scary thing. Look at the side effects and the animal studies for this thyroid tumors, a thyroid cancer.
So imagine a child starting something, because everybody’s concerned, the pediatrician or the parent. And so let’s say it’s a 12 or 13, 14 year old uses that product for one, two, three years, and they’re setting themselves up with the other chemical exposures in their lifetime. We’re just setting them up to have a.
future cascade of other health issues. Some of the side effects of it is nauseousness, vomiting, stomach ache, and so forth. Increased heart rate, diarrhea. And of course there’s some contraindications if they have and that is a family history of thyroid issue, then they wouldn’t be given this prescription.
But for the most part because it’s a temperament study in pediatrics, a pediatrician is not even going to think twice. He or she just usually goes with what they feel is the most comfortable with it. And because there’s been no studies on it, They’re guesstimating, that’s a word again, they’re guesstimating the how much dosage to give them.
And so sometimes the dosage can be a little high, it can be a little low, but they guess because there’s no research backing up what they’re doing to the children and so forth. Another product out there is a combination of two drugs and so forth. And it’s very similar to basically it’s ramping their system up.
The problem with this product and so forth is it can create vision problems. If not treated correctly, suicidal thoughts of that’s really lovely and so forth. And so it is, it’s again, another drug. Again, probably this one here would be used more in the teenage population, not the early kids. And by the way they can give a prescription for obesity already age four, five, six, eight, and so forth.
If that, a pediatrician with a parent’s that concern, they can use those medications in that way. The side effects, again, dizziness, constipation with them joint pain and flu like symptoms. And so it’s just a shame, something you wouldn’t want him to do. But again, and look at the other area, it attacks the thyroid function.
And so this is something that people should really think about and look deep into those side effects for the children. We go, V. It’s really heavily marketed on television now for the adult population, but it’s also being used in the teenage population. And some of the side effects to it is basically thyroid tumors and cancer.
And so it’s a high risk, and people again just think, I want a quick fix. And it goes back to lifestyle. It’s our processed foods. Not eating whole foods, hopefully getting to at least organic foods. And then the fact that nobody actually, one of the problems is parents don’t have time to cook anymore, to slow down a little bit.
And that’s the one great thing about Family Wellness Chiropractors, and a shout out to my Generations member, this is the stuff we work internally in our practices, is how to educate our young parents under our umbrella in our practice and their children how to raise healthier kids. Some side effects again, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting.
constipation, stomach aches, and headaches. And maybe an adult can live with that. But imagine a teenager with the other stressors that they have in their life, having to deal with these side effects. Another product here the generic name is And basically, this could be used from age 6 and older.
And the side effects to that, the severe ones, is depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions. And so not just the thoughts of it, but this drug is tied into the action of it. So some drugs, particularly the psychostimulants and all the rest, They may have thoughts of it, but thoughts and actions is particularly tied in to this product that can be used again for children from age six and older.
Dioxide effects is nauseousness, darking, darkening of the skin, vomiting and headaches and so forth. And so this is a very common drug that can be used. Because it’s easy for the parent to distribute because it’s an injection site that they’re just using. It’s on a daily approach, but it’s just a weekly approach with them.
And so as we move from, oh my gosh, the overusage of obesity drugs that are out there, and we’re not solving the problem. The other area is it’s frightening as I was also updating, what are the top reasons why people parents are bringing their kids to the pediatrician. Very interesting. It has all to do about sleeping.
No kidding. If you’re overstimulated, which way too much technology boom. They’re in the technology and gaming and what, technology in the bed before they go to sleep. The problem is parents are having sleeping problems because there’s a bunch of knuckleheads.
Everybody’s doing the same thing. We’ve got to decrease. We’re going to take away all the stimulation and quiet the mind. Now, one of the things that, you know, and again, don’t care what somebody’s opinion of, yay, I’m a fan of it or not a fan of it, but I have to share with you that my families that come out of practice to their home, the homeschooling crowd, they’re really, not that they’re anti technology, but they’re just away from it.
They just, it’s a whole different approach, a kind of philosophy of teaching and so forth. And I find that group that are homeschooled without the bombardment of technology or peer pressure. That, my group there, no anxiety, no depression, no difficulty in sleeping. Even in the lifestyle of just the less technology could help children sleep better.
This slide here talks about infants are over 12 hours of sleep necessary, toddlers 11. Preschoolers about 10 hours and the first or fifth grade is nine hours of sleep. So that would be like the ideal situation, so forth. But if we go to the American Academy of Neurology, they basically said that 25 percent of families is of children are having sleep issues.
So 25 percent and they said if we don’t resolve And again, I’ve been in practice for decades when I was, so 20 years ago, nobody was having any difficulty with their child sleeping. Everybody would just put their head on the pillow, maybe a baby who’s teething was having discomfort, but nobody was having this kind of an issue whatsoever.
But it’s only been the last 15 years when technology really did an uptick. We’re seeing kids having more issues with sleeping. And if you don’t catch it with the sleep and so forth, their quality of life from infancy on this is going to be a big manifestation for them. And this, some of the common problems with the sleep and so forth, it can create learning issues attention other mental health issues.
So the long term effect of not having a pediatric, including adolescence sleep, these kids are going to be. And it’s one of the top five reasons a pediatrician or a nurse practitioner in pediatrics is being reached out by their moms and dads is that their child is not sleeping. So if it’s a top five thing, what do you think you should do as a family wellness chiropractor?
You should be asking, by the way, How are the kids sleeping? What time did they go to sleep? What time are they getting up? I always ask the question, how much technology are they exposed to the hour or two hours before going to bed? So that’s a part the fun part of a family wellness chiropractor is we can look into that and ask them those kind of questions.
The allopathic response. They do a survey on 700 pediatricians, and it says okay, if kids are having sleeping issues how are you on over the counter or prescription drugs? And 75 percent of that surveyed group of pediatricians says, you know what, it’s okay to do something over the counter. You’re welcome.
It’s okay to do something with prescription drugs if they’re having difficulty. So if we’re dealing here in the over the counter medication like Benadryl and so forth some of the stuff with the Benadryl, the side effects are going to be sleepiness, excitation, dry mouth, urinary issue, constipation.
If we use the melatonin which I really hate using it in that pediatric population, don’t like that at all. Brachycardia. It ruins the rhythm of sleeping and so forth. So please, creating also nauseousness and irritability. So all these over the counter medications should not be using, even though I have parents who are going to tell me, Dr.
Claudia, I found the melatonin for kids at like maybe Whole Foods or Sprouts or wherever they’re shopping at. It must be safe. I would not recommend anything like that over the counter. There are other natural home remedies that we could do. First, calm the mind. And then there’s calming products or maybe essential oils that we could use that could calm our children down.
And then we have the prescription drugs in order of their frequency. And then the hydroxine, what it is to create side effects or sleeplessness, nauseousness, urinary retention, dry mouth, and constipation similar to the over the counter medication. And then the Clonidine and so forth. What they’re also create is hypotension, brachycardia.
Hypertension and if and they can cause a positive Coombs test and so forth. And so all of those that the pediatrician would be in charge of, those Or the nurse practitioner trying to give the parents relief, trying to give the children or the teenagers release. And then DOCS, the other ones that are being used over the counter and not over the counter prescription.
But again, LUVOX and so forth is again a severe reaction. Abnormal Thinking, Behavior Changes, and Cloapine. Again, rebounding insomnia, it’s impaired memory, confusion, depression central nervous system disorders as well. And so this is all very sad for, when you see these level of drugs being used, I usually, again, I have a very wellness practice, so I hear about this more in conversation or reading and so forth, that this is being used more in the teenage population.
And then docs then last but not least the sadness of using Ambien. And this is a shock because they even have warning signals in the adult population. Please don’t use this because you can you can have with sleep activities, you can do sleepwalking, sleep driving additional eating.
And then with the Ambien and again, more on the teenage population, headaches. Paranormal thinking and so forth, behavior changes, respiratory depression, and when we think about what’s changed in just the last 5, 15, 20 years, the only thing I can just say if we go to second, and Or third world countries, or go to places like maybe in Europe or, and so forth, that these countries don’t have, this is not a mirror of pediatrics in their lifestyle.
And they have a lifestyle change. They don’t use technology, they move a lot more for fitness, they eat cleaner, wholer foods and so forth. And it’s a family wellness chiropractic. I’m just encouraging you, doc. To really talk, have that good conversation in the adjustment room. Take a little extra few minutes here or there and show them, your caring nature.
And because we’re the positive influences, beauty of a family wellness chiropractor, some of you are seeing your patients or practice members once a week, twice a month, once a month, what an influence you have in their lives. I’m excited for part four to come up. Part four is going to be into psycho stimulants and the drugs used in ADHD and so forth.
So again, wishing you just a great day ahead. Thank you for just being a part of this. I want to thank ChiroSecure for giving me a chance to reach out this message to my beloved fellow family wellness chiropractors. Take care, everybody. Patrick’s show to the children was brought to you by ChiroSecure.
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