Will I be covered if I give this virus to one of my patients?
We cannot give a coverage opinion or a coverage determination unless and until an actual claim comes about. Will a claim come about? Highly unlikely. As you would guess, you’re all doctors and you probably know by now it will be nearly impossible for somebody to actually point this back to you if they wind up getting a positive test result for the virus. So the likelihood and the liability in my opinion are very low there. What’s higher in liability is the act of negligence and that’s kind of what I want to touch on in a little bit more detail today. Being negligent is one of the components that attorneys go after when filing a malpractice lawsuit. Negligence means a lot of different things and in this type of pandemic, what that means to me is going directly against recommendations and guidelines given by the CDC, the state health department, your city ordinances, et cetera. Watch the 5-minute video below for the complete answer.
Are you an essential healthcare provider?
I want to touch on the fact that we believe that you absolutely are essential healthcare providers, and here’s why. We believe that chiropractors serve an incredibly important social and public utility, that right now in this crisis and this pandemic, chiropractors are keeping patients away from the emergency room and away from urgent care centers. When a patient has an acute or emergency issue, if they’re in pain, they’re going to go to one of two places, either your office as a chiropractor or one of those emergency care facilities.
So to keep those on the lighter end and reserve those resources for the people that actually need them, we believe that chiropractors are essential in doing so. So that being said, even though we believe that you all are essential healthcare providers, that doesn’t necessarily mean every city, every state or the country as a whole believes the same thing. So one of the things that I recommend to all of you is you need to make sure you’re following your city or your state’s guidelines and ordinances that come out, and they come out every day it seems like. This is a fluid situation, so things continue to change, and if you’re not sure about what you’re reading or how to decipher it, you should also contact either your state board or state association. Watch the 5-minute video below for the complete answer.
What if one of your patients tests positive for COVID-19?
Today we’re reviewing the topic of what to do if one of your patients lets you know that they tested positive for COVID-19. This is a topic of mass discussion right now, and we’ve been getting this quite a bit in our office via email, via phone calls, so we thought it would be a good one to review at the beginning of the week to prepare you all should this sort of thing happen with the confirmed cases ramping up right now. First and foremost, it’s our understanding that in accordance with the CDC guidelines, you should simply close your doors if a patient confirms with you that they’ve tested positive for COVID-19. Watch the below video for the complete response to this question.
The Malpractice Side of Telemedicine in the Age of Covid-19
Today what we’re going to review is how to work with telemedicine in the age of COVID-19. A common question we’ve been getting over the last couple of weeks as doctor’s offices are shifting, getting creative and modifying their structure to not only survive but to thrive is how does telemedicine work? Will we be covered? What are some of these things that we need to be made aware of? Watch the video below for the complete show.
Telemedicine Informed Consent – Click here to download
Billing and Coding Live Event Replay and Transcript Click here.
COVID-19 Crisis Response Unanswered Questions for Week of March 30th 20202
Hello everybody. We are back again with your five-minute crisis response for chiropractors. As always, this is Eric Hoffman, executive director at Chiro Secure and today, we are actually going to review some of the questions that you all have been asking in the Facebook comments and some additional questions we’ve been getting just across the board that we wanted to help clarify, go through, and make sure you are all taken care of.
Important Links and Resources for You
For today’s show we’re going to do something a little different. We’re going to go through some resources and data for you all to have at your disposal that we have available on our website. Some calls we’ve been getting have been looking for some of these things and so we really just wanted to share with you some of the resources we have and have made it easy for you to access. For today’s purposes, we’re going to guide you towards them and walk you through a few of the cool ones that we’ve put together. The first thing to do is to really go to our website, chirosecure.com on our website you’re going to notice a pop up on the bottom left that talks about the COVID-19 situation, the pandemic, and you’ll click on that to bring you to the resource page. Click the video below to watch the entire event.
How can you stay compliant as an associate doctor in a chiropractic practice?
Today we’re going to be reviewing how to stay compliant as an associate doctor in a chiropractic practice. So, the intention of today’s topic and episode is that we’ve been getting a few calls from those of you who happen to be associates, whether you’re an employee or an independent contractor in an office, that you’ve either noticed things that may not be going the way you’d hope for them to go, or you may believe that the office you’re working at should be closed for various reasons, and as a result we want to go through some of those scenarios with you and make sure you are prepared and you are taken care of in this pandemic. Make sure you click the video below to watch the complete 5 minute show.
Crisis Response. What is next?
Today we are going to go through a few different things, mainly some updates with regards to some things that have come out, some additional resources for you all to refer to and based on some of the feedback we’ve been getting I think today is going to be our last scheduled events unless and until we hear from you all. If you have additional questions, comments, or things that we need to review and get on live events to do with you all, we’re going to be more than happy to do it. Click the video below to watch the entire 5 minute show.
Is there an online screening tool that patients can use for COVID-19?
Apple today released a new screening tool and set of resources to help people stay informed and take the proper steps to protect their health during the spread of COVID-19, based on the latest CDC guidance. The new COVID-19 website (https://www.apple.com/covid19/), and COVID-19 app (https://apps.apple.com/us/app/id1504132184) available on the App Store, were created in partnership with the CDC,1the White House Coronavirus Task Force and FEMA to make it easy for people across the country to get trusted information and guidance at a time when the US is feeling the heavy burden of COVID-19.