Resolution of Symptoms of Chronic Constipation in an 8-Year-Old Male After Chiropractic Treatment

Resolution of Symptoms of Chronic Constipation in an 8-Year-Old Male After Chiropractic Treatment

A ChiroSecure Research Update

Abstract: This case report describes the history, treatment, and proposed explanation of a positive outcome in a patient with chronic constipation.

Discussion: An 8-year-old boy presented with chronic constipation. His mother reported that this had been a problem since the child’s birth. Allopathic treatment consisting of laxatives, high fluid intake, and high fiber intake had not been effective to date.

The patient was examined and it was determined that he had a sacral chiropractic subluxation complex. Manipulation of the sacral area using diversified adjusting procedures was performed. External massage of the abdomen starting in the right lower quadrant and following the course of the large intestine in a clockwise direction was also applied. The patient reported an immediate dramatic improvement in bowel function after the first treatment. Treatment was continued for a 4-week period (2 visits per week) and then discontinued when the patient (confirmed by his mother) reported consistent normal bowel function. A follow-up call made 13 years after treatment revealed continuing normal bowel function.

Conclusion: This case suggests that chiropractic care may be helpful in some cases of chronic constipation.

Reference: David M. Quist, DC, Stephen M. Duray, PhD. Resolution of Symptoms of Chronic Constipation in an 8-Year-Old Male After Chiropractic Treatment. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. VOLUME 30, ISSUE 1, P65-68, JANUARY 2007. DOI: