Dr. Sam and HJ Ross can be contacted at (800) 562-3335 or by visiting: www.hjrosscompany.com
Complete transcript (Click here to download this transcript):
Dr. Collins: Hi, everyone. This is Sam Collins, the Billing Expert. I’m here with you today, and I want to thank ChiroSecure for having me. ChiroSecure is really your asset. It’s not just your malpractice insurance. And yes, it is your malpractice insurance, but they do so much more. They help you with audits and all other types of issues. That’s why they kind of brought me along to talk to you a little bit today to give you some information about making sure your office is compliant as possible, that your office is doing well. Ultimately, our goal is to make sure your office is successful. Because quite frankly, if you’re not practicing and doing well, you won’t need malpractice insurance. ChiroSecure really is really embedded in making sure you’re successful.
That’s our job as well, because we do continuing education, and we also offer a service called The Network. That’s what I want to kind of speak to you about a bit today. This network service is the first thing I want to mention to you, because it’s something that ChiroSecure really promotes in that we want to make sure offices have the correct and right information as far as compliance, billing, coding, you name it, because offices often run into problems unknowingly, not sure what to do. Think of it. Most of you went to school. When you went to school, you learned almost zero about coding and billing and documentation. Even if you’re practicing with only cash, do you still have to document? Are those the types of things that go on? Of course it is.
We offer a service that, in conjunction with ChiroSecure … And for ChiroSecure members, you get a discount for … it offers a one-year support with me directly that you can call me, email me, or fax me unlimited questions. You, the doctor, the staff person, you name it, anyone you designate can call me with questions on all types of issue. It could be workers’ comp, personal injury, general health insurance, PPOs, HMOs, Medicare, insurance laws, all those factors, because we want to make sure that there’s a good level of compliance so that your practice is doing well. Ultimately, think of it this way. Who are you going to call when you say, “Hey, I got a denial. How do I approach it”? You’re going to take some guesswork. In fact, I will tell you, be careful. Don’t go online and google it. Because chances are, you’re going to get an answer. Is it the correct answer?
Realize, Google doesn’t look for correct. It just looks for information. Often, a lot of the information is incorrect, and we want to make sure you’re compliant with it. That’s why we offer this service. We deal with your state laws. We deal individually with CPT codes. Now, not just naming a CPT code, but understand the definition. For instance, what’s the true definition of neuromuscular re-education compared to just going, “Well, it’s balance and coordination”? We want to make sure, “Am I doing it properly?” What about ICD-10? I’ll give an example. ICD-10 updates every October. People will say, “Oh, the 2018 codes.” The reality is, those codes update October 1st of the year before, just as they did each year. In fact, remember when ICD-10 hit? That happened in October.
Last year, 2016, you might recall there were some 80 codes that changed that were really pertinent to chiropractic. Obviously, a lot of the disc codes for cervical spine changed, and that made a big difference. I’m still getting offices that aren’t aware of that, however. In addition, this year, what changes for 2018? Well, it’s not ’18. It changed in October. But there were codes for spinal stenosis that updated. If you’re using an old code, it gets denied. Insurance company sends you denial and says, “Hey, the code is wrong.” And then you call them. You’re nice. You say, “Hi. It’s me. I’m calling.” They’re going to say to you, “We can’t tell you.” Now, why can’t they tell you? Are they being mean? No, they’re actually not being mean. They can’t tell you. Because if they tell you the code, they’re diagnosing your patient.
We want to make sure you have access to know, what is the correct code? You can call me. Say, “Hey, Sam, what’s that new code for spinal stenosis?” Well, it’s M48.061 without claudication, or M48.062 with claudication. The idea being, we wanted you to have a resource. Well, how about this one? I need a HCPC code. Well, what’s the code for a lumbar support? What’s a code for an ankle brace? We help you with all those. But what about documentation? What about issues that just support your everyday needs? Hey, I’m filling out a 1500 Form. Where should I put my MPI numbers? Or does block 23 required, or 22 when I’m doing a resubmission? What about block 13? Do I have to sign it? Well, what about block 27? We help with all those types of issues. This service called The Network is simple and easy. Once you join, you can call me, email me, or fax me.
It could be real simple. Once you join, just give me a quick call. If you prefer, send an email. We even have a dedicated website that allows you to contact me through the site, and I send you back a question through the site. Our goal is to make sure that you’re getting paid. My rule is: every time you make a call or send an email, we’ll make your money back. The Network for ChiroSecure members is $220 for one year. Not a month, one year of unlimited support. Imagine that. I have offices that will call me as many as a few times a week. Others, just a few times a year. The reason they continue to be members is because every time they call, it equals money. I help resolve those issues. Let me give you some examples of the questions I just received in the last 24 hours.
Now, this is not all of them, but the questions … For instance, here’s a question. I want to join the VA. How do I do that? Do I go through TriWest or Health Net? Is it Tricare? Or what modifiers do I need? I know some of you have billed VA and said, “They told me I need a modifier.” Well, The Network helps you understand that. Or how about this one. Who’s had a MultiPlan send you a reduction letter saying, “We want to take a reduction”? We’ll help you with that, understanding when it’s good or bad to do it. Here’s another good one. Can I give a cash discount? Can I do prepaid plans? What’s legal? That’s what we help you with. We make sure you’re compliant. Why is that important to ChiroSecure? Because guess who has to help defend you if you’re in trouble? ChiroSecure. We want to be preemptive, not reactive.
Well, here’s another question you probably run into. How about 97140? What modifier do I need? Is it an XS? Is it a 59? What about this separate area? Offices are giving a lot of issues with that. Or how about this. Sam, I need an outcome assessment for the low back or for the neck. We make sure you know what outcome assessments there are. We send them to you, show you how to use them, how to use evidence-based care to make sure that no one’s going to give you an issue. Or how about this one. I got three of these already this morning. I got a letter from Blue Cross Blue Shield asking for records. What does that mean? You’re being audited. Now, I don’t want to sound like it’s an audit where they’re going to come in and close you down, but they’re simply looking, did you do the services you billed?
For instance, when you bill an exam code, a E&M, do your notes reflect a separate, distinct service? Does it reflect the required elements? By example: if you’re billing a 99203, which is a very common code for chiropractors, do you have 12 elements or bullets documented? Now, some of you may say, “Oh my god, what are these bullets?” Well, guess what The Network helps you with: those types of issues, to make sure you understand how that’s compliant. We say, “Send us the notes.” We’ll show you and go, “Hey, this is or isn’t compliant. Here’s what you need to do.” Realize the same thing occurs for Medicare. Medicare, frankly, is not hard. It’s unique. Notice how different the form is for Medicare when you bill. There’s things for block 11 that you don’t do for other insurances. There’s things in block 14 that are different for Medicare. How about HIPAA? Does it apply to me?
I had an office the other day that said, “Hey, I do cash. I don’t have to do HIPAA.” Of course you do. HIPAA is simply keeping patients’ records private. Whether you do cash or otherwise … Now, if you do only cash, do you have to worry about the compliance when it comes to electronic health records and those things? No. But you still have to be compliant. We make sure you understand that and have the necessary things, even if you’re just a cash office. Well, here’s a good one. Some of you may not be aware, they changed the codes for full spine X-rays. I had an office this morning, said, “I got denied for my code.” Well, the codes for full spine X-rays were updated, get this, two years ago, but a lot of times, you’re not aware of it because you’re not keeping up. That’s what we do in The Network. We put out a newsletter on our site that allows you to access to look. Hey, what’s going on?
For instance, on our site now is, what’s going on with Medicare? What are going to be the fees next year? What’s going to be the deductible? What I will tell you is, we don’t publish fees right away for Medicare, because as you’ve probably noticed, Congress likes to play around with that budget a few times. Often, those fees will not be final until the first. Well, here’s another issue. I need a code for a cervical brace. I need one for a lumbar brace. We help with that. Or here’s another question I’ve gotten. How do I define fibromyalgia, and what do I need to code it? We go through, what are the factors? What do you need? Do I need 18 points? Do I not need 18 points? What are the issues? What can I do or how do I bill 97112? What constitutes it, really constitutes it?
Or how about, I got denied for an exam? When an office sends me that, you know the first question I have for them? Did you bill it properly? Did it have the proper modifier? Here’s a good one. PI case. I had a person that was in two accidents. How do I apportion it? That’s a question we help with. Or here’s one that you’ve all gotten. I’ve got a request for a refund from an insurance company. Do I have to pay it back? We go through what rules you have to protect you: whether you do or don’t have to pay it back, under what circumstances, as well as a statute of limitations. Here’s another issue. Someone’s asking for record. Can you charge for copies? Depending on your state, there’s different allowances. Sometimes it can be very expensive, other times not.
How about [inaudible 00:09:46] denials if you’ve gotten from Medicare. Doc, I got a CO-16, or I got a CO-50 or CO-151. Those are all different. One of them tells you you can re-bill without doing any problems, but another one says, “Hey, wait a minute. You can’t just re-bill. You have to do a redetermination.” We help with that. Bottom line is, someone can just send me notes and say, “Hey, do these meet the requirements?” I will be your first place to audit. Frankly, when ChiroSecure gets your information that you’re being audited, guess who they send it to? They send it to me to make sure it’s compliant. What I would suggest you do is probably get ahead of that so you don’t have a claim. Think about it. Don’t make a claim by having notes that are compliant to begin with.
Here’s another question I’ve gotten. I’ve gotten MACRA and MIPS and all these things from Medicare. Do I have to comply? There’s lots of changes to that. Do I have to have electronic health records? Well, we make sure you understand when you do, when you don’t, what are the positive and negative? And just really understanding. We help with any question. You think of that question, I’ve probably answered. I’ve been doing this since 1998 teaching seminars. I was in practice with my dad as a chiropractor from the early ’80s. My dad was a chiropractor as well. I’ve seen lots of things, and I’ve seen trends change. I will tell you, we’re probably at one of the better times for chiropractic in the sense of the recognition of the service, but we’re also at a time where things do get scrutinized.
Whether it’s cash or not, we have to make sure we’re compliant. I’m going to recommend, join The Network. Now, what is The Network? Remember, you get me. It means you can call me, email me, or fax me with any and all types of questions on coding, billing, documentation. I’m there to help you. I’m there to help you by email all week long, but by phone, it’s 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Now, think about that. For $200, you get an expert that becomes part of your staff. We’ve broken that down. It’s about $0.65 a day that you’re getting someone you can access in that manner. How good of a service that is. I compliment ChiroSecure for allowing us to make sure we put that as part of theirs, because ultimately, again, as I point out, we want to be sure you’re successful.
I teach coding seminars. I teach compliance seminars. I teach continuing education. Guess what you won’t need if you’re not practicing? None of those. I have a very vested interest in your success. I want you to be successful. I want to make sure you’re successful. We want to make sure you have the tools. Often, you get a lot of information out there. Notice, a lot of times, when you hear people coming up with these free things and seminars, notice it’s always never no real information, but buy this from me. When you get The Network for 220, you get it. If you need a staff person that says, “Hey, I don’t understand Medicare,” give me a few minutes with them on the phone so I can make sure they understand it. We’ll train you right then and there. This service is invaluable. At that price, you can’t imagine … In fact, I’m always surprised when someone says, “I can’t afford it.”
Now, beyond The Network, what else do we do with ChiroSecure? We also do seminars. Obviously, every state, every doctor requires continuing education. We teach those seminars. In fact, we teach what are called the mandatory hours, because we teach ethical, billing, and coding. Now, some of you may have heard saying, “I have to have a compliance manual.” Well, technically, you do. But you know what that means? You have to have a compliance protocol in your office to make sure, is what you’re doing correct? The Federal Government has mandated that all insurance companies must verify that what they’re being billed for is really being done. What we do at the seminars is to make sure you’re doing all those things, but do it in such a way that allows you to see it easy and safely.
I’ll give an example. For 2018, we’re going to be all over. I’ll give you the website in a moment that’ll tell you where, but here’s what we’re going to cover just this year this coming quarter. In 2018, we’re going to go over the diagnosis requirements for reimbursement. Now, here’s what I want to point out. Everyone here has a short list. I’m sure you all do. You got your 15 or 20 common codes. That’s fine, but are you really coding everything that’s there? Are you making a diagnosis that equals the amount of care? Too many doctors say, “I get denied.” You know why you get denied? Because you have a diagnosis that requires five visits. Look at your diagnosis. Does it really equal what you’re saying it does? Is there a difference between a so-called category one, category two, meaning severity? Absolutely.
Be very careful with your diagnosis. Understand that there’s many ways of coding something. If you make it too simplistic, you’re going to have a problem. By example: if I have lumbar radiculitis, could I say there’s pain there? I guess I could. But is that really the best code, and how do I differentiate it? Because if I put radiculitis, certainly that’s going to equal more visits than will pain, but it will certainly be there. Can I differentiate it further? Is this radiculitis really sciatica, and then what constitutes that? These seminars really help with that. Here’s the good news. At this seminar, you’re going to receive a quick code list of 300 codes that are common to chiropractors just for spine alone. You’re going to find, oh my god, I wasn’t aware of this code.
Spinal enthesopathy is a very good diagnosis that is very common. Most doctors aren’t aware of it, aren’t even sure what it is, and hence, you never do it. Here’s what we do. We give you a list from Aetna. We give you a list from Blue Cross Blue Shield, Cigna, Medicare, and United Health Care. What’s important to know is, the reason we provide these lists is because if you code something not on the list, you’ll get denied. I’ll give you one without going to the seminar. If you have an Aetna patient, and you code a thoracic strain, S29.012A, you’re going to be denied. They do not accept that code. Now, we can argue that they should or shouldn’t, but who cares? The bottom line is, no, what should I code? Oh, it should really be a sprain. Or do you want to code the myalgia or some other issue?
Here’s the good news. You now, with going to our seminar, will have the ability to have a list that you can break down and say, “Okay, here’s my list of codes for Aetna, Cigna,” so that when that patient comes, if it’s not on the list, you can be honest with the patient and say, “I’m sorry, it’s not covered.” Or if there is on the list, we can. No longer guess. Don’t fool yourself. We’re also going to update the changes for this year. The changes this year were pretty simplistic. I already gave them to you. But last year, there were about 80. I would be concerned, are you aware of all 80 codes? Remember, all the codes for cervical discs were updated. In addition, we want to make sure your coding skills are there to make sure that you can understand, when should I use a code that says unspecified?
For instance, there is no code that says facet syndrome. How would I code that? There actually is no code that says facet. What would you code? M5386 for lumbar spine, because that says other specified dorsalgia, or dorsopathy, which means you can specify it. It’s just not a code that has a name. That code is a very important code, because M5386, just by Medicare standard, is about a eight-week course of care compared to saying just low back pain. In addition, what are we going to go over at this seminar? All the updates for the CCI edits. For instance, 97140, 97112, 97124 now have a new protocol. Separate areas. And, of course, do you need to use the codes or modifiers XS or 59? Different states have different rules. For instance, in Illinois, Blue Cross Blue Shield will want XS. In other states, you can use 59. You want to make sure you understand that.
We also give a list of all the updates for not just CPT … And we give a list of the common CPT codes, by the way … but also the codes for orthotics and supports. Now, I won’t say we have every single one, but the common ones. Here’s what also updates that you get at our seminar: all the fee schedules, Medicare, work comp, and so on. The other thing we go over is the RVU values. Many of you do not have your fees in order because you don’t understand the value of one service to another. For instance, the difference in price of the adjustment codes 98940 and 41 is not $10 unless you’re billing 30. The reason why is the RVU value between a 40 and a 41 is about 33%. Technically, whatever your price is for a 40, the reasonable for a 41 based on RVU would be about a third higher. You got to make sure your house is in order, because I will tell you now, if you’re billing 60 for a 40 and 70 for a 41, one of those codes is wrong, and it’s likely the 41.
Now, we’re also going to deal with not just those issues, but all types of issues for documentation and audits. We’re going to go through, what do you really need to document? I don’t want to sound like, oh, I’m just going to make it simple. It’s one minute. No. What’s required? You have to do a SOAP. Whether you do it electronically or not, what information did you do with the patient? Here’s what an audit wants to know. An audit simply wants to know: you billed them for something. Did you do it? This seminar goes through, how do you document each of these? Now, not just simple documentation. We go through the definitions of these CPT codes. Not just the one you read in the CPT Manual that’s two words, but the full definition. What does it mean? When can I bill mechanical traction? Does a roller table equal that? What about a leander table? What about flexion distraction?
Also, we’re going to go over the new paradigm for medical necessity. What does evidence-based care mean? What does it mean to do active care? Realize that some plans are seeking pre-authorization. If you’re not understanding these goals and these guidelines, you’re probably not going to get your care authorized. It’s not as hard as you think if you speak their language. The other thing we deal with is, do not fear an audit, but to make sure you’re just prepared. Go through your own notes. Here’s the compliance. Go to our seminar. Now you’ll be able to go home, look at your notes to make sure they did it. I mentioned earlier the guidelines for E&M. One of the things we very importantly go over at this seminar is the guidelines. We go through each one. When does it require it? What is required for a 203? What are the 12 bullets?
I mentioned that. If you’re not familiar with it, come to the seminar. Figure this out. It’s not hard, but it’s got to be documented. When can I do a 204? Here’s a good one. I’m not sure you’re aware. A 99203 and a 99214 are exactly the same level of exam. They both require 12 bullets. One is for a new patient, one for an established. If you have an established patient with a 12-bullet exam with assuming a detailed history, that’s a 214. But for a new patient, it’s a 203. I bet a lot of you do the same exam on an initial and a follow-up. Then why is it that many of you code a 99203 in a 213? Because a 213 is a lesser exam. Now, if you did less than 12 bullets, I get it. Chances are, if you examine 12 things on the initial, you’re probably going to exam 12 things on the final.
This is what we show you, and this is the compliance. It’s not my opinion. We’re teaching the rules. I want to be very clear. Our seminars follow legal, ethical guidelines. Not my opinion, but what are the rules? And making sure that you follow so that you’re always protected. We also go through to make Medicare easy. Like it or not, Medicare is going to be a big payer for us. Why? It’s a lot of people. The baby boomers are becoming Medicare 10,000 a day. Whether we think it or not, Medicare is going to be around, and we got to make sure we’re compliant. I will tell you now, Medicare’s not hard. You know what I love about Medicare? They tell you exactly what they want. Here’s what we include at the seminar. No matter what state you come from, we give you the list of codes that are required for your state. Not every state is the same.
For instance, if you’re from Texas, there’s a set of codes there, but it’s different in Florida. It’s also different if you’re from Georgia, but it’s different in New York. A little different in New Jersey. New York and New Jersey’s separate. California? Different. But California, Oregon, and Washington are the same. Nevada’s the same. Oh, but when we move to a different state … You move to Montana … it’s going to be a little different again. We go through all those factors. We also go through understanding what Medicare requires from all the modifiers, making it simple. Medicare’s not hard. It really isn’t. It’s easy. In fact, for what Medicare pays, which I say is between $30 and $40, it shouldn’t be that hard. In addition, make sure we go through at the seminar about joining managed care. Should I, or shouldn’t I?
We go through the types of questions you really must ask yourself to the benefits. Think of it. Managed care is the insurance companies kind of working for you by sending you patients, supposedly. You join, you get more patients. What do you give them in turn? You get less money. Therefore, you have to really weigh out from a business standpoint, is there a benefit here? What’s my cost-benefit ratio? One of the things we go through is, make sure you understand, what does it cost in your office to treat a patient? You’ll know whether or not joining this managed care makes sense, or how many extra patients do I have to have? Think. When you go to a $0.99 store, that store is profitable, but they have to sell a lot more items. Think of it. With managed care, kind of the same deal.
We deal with workers’ comp. Now, not worker’s comp for the nation. Workers’ comp for your state. In any state that we’re in for a seminar, we deal with the workers’ comp system for that state. When we have an outside attendee … Because I’ve had people before saying, “Hey, I’m from Washington, but I’d sure love to come to that California seminar in San Diego, because it’s such a nice weather.” Come on down. We include that information for you. Wherever you come from, so long as we know you’re coming from out of state, we include the information for your state because they’re different. The new fee schedules, whether or not you can be the primary doctor. Do you need authorization? What are the protocols? You all know that, certainly, sometimes work comp can be a little bit of a pain in the butt if you don’t know the rules.
We make sure you understand that. We go through all the factors of CPT, of course: coding, billing, documentation, dealing with each code, defining them, understanding. Here’s the best part. When you leave the seminar, you’re going to have over a hundred-page packet. That’s your Compliance Manual. That’s going to have all the diagnosis and probably CPT codes for everything you bill. I’ll tease you with one. Have you ever billed a prolonged service? Chances are, you’ve done it and never coded for it, and it’s worth quite a bit of money because your time does have a value. I want to go through making sure, hey, what about time codes? How do I do that? Understand the rules. Let’s not guess. Let’s know exactly what the eight-minute rule is.
Then finally, one of the things we do at the seminar too is personal injury. Personal injury’s good, but, of course, you have to know the nuances. For instance, some states require liens, while other states do something called an LOP. Now, some of you may not be familiar with the term LOP. LOP, and I’ve had a doctor in Texas once say this because they use them there, he said he calls that a lie on paper. But a LOP means a letter of protection. Of course, you have to know, does it really protect me? For instance, states like Nevada and Illinois have lien laws that allow you to protect your money easier, but others you have to depend on attorneys. We go through how to evaluate a claim. A PI claim can be very good, but it also could be dangerous. The better you evaluate that claim before you get it, the better off you’ll be.
We give you a one-minute way of looking at the claim, going through some facts to know whether or not it’s good or bad. Otherwise, we got to tell them, “Hey, it’s a cash patient,” whether it’s PIP, Med Pay, excess Med Pay, you name it. There’s a lot of common errors that doctors have with diagnosis also. Remember, it’s trauma, so we go through trauma codes. Make sure that you have an attorney if you’re working with them. They’re your advocate. Here’s what we do at the seminar: ethical billing and coding. At the seminars, you’re going to meet a bunch of other doctors on the same page. We share ideas. We talk about where there’s problems. And we really try to make it a problem-solving. It’s not just a boring seminar. Here’s what I’m going to tell you. Come to my seminar. You’re not going to be bored.
I’ve yet to have someone say, “Oh, it was a boring …” I get it. I’ve been to seminars. I know what they can be like. Ours are a lot of fun. I would like to say I’m an engaging speaker. Oh, that’s all wonderful. But here’s the truth. Our seminars ethically discuss money and making sure you have a practice with that. Again, not outside the ethical part, but remember, it’s still a business. We’ve got to run it as such and make sure we’re doing the right things. Doctor and staff should attend, because by getting there, you’re going to make sure everyone’s on the same page, and now you create this protocol. How nice would it be if you had a spreadsheet that had the insurances you bill on a regular basis, it then had what codes you’ve billed and whether they’ve accepted or not accepted, and how much they paid?
Well, we teach you how to do that. We help you with that. It makes your life easy. When someone comes in, you know exactly what’s going on. There’s no guesswork. I have no problem with saying, while insurance can be good, is there anything wrong with cash? No. That’s why we go over that. But in addition, making sure I’m doing it legally. Ultimately, even if you take some insurance, does that mean you have to take them all? Of course not. Make sure you understand your rights and your abilities to make those differences and whether or not I accept this plan but not this plan if I join. Our goal, ChiroSecure and myself through HJ Ross, is to make sure that your office does well. I love this profession. I know that you do. ChiroSecure certainly does, because we’re all here for you.
We’re a chiropractic base. There’s no one in our business here that’s not chiropractic base. We’re not just medical people trying to do chiropractic. We’re chiropractic people doing chiropractic. We’re here to make sure you can get the right types of information. Don’t guess, know. Here’s the best part. You have to do these hours anyway. Why not come to a seminar where you really get something out of it instead of going to something … Because I’ve been there too … where you can see the doctors totally disengaged? And how about go once a year to a seminar that talks about billing? I love technique seminars. I love all the things. But you know what you need? Also, how to make sure how to run the business side, and that’s what we do. How do you find all this stuff? Well, here’s the best thing. Go to our main website.
Our main website is hjross … so that’s H-J-R-O-S-S … and then it’s company … Company spelled in full … dot com. Once you get on that site, you’re going to see four boxes. We offer the seminars. You can click on seminars and click on live seminars, and it’ll pull you up there. In addition, you can click on The Network. That will give you the information there about The Network, as I went over. But we also have two other items. We have a coding manual. It’s called Digital Coding. One of the things we realize is that we don’t print a manual anymore. The reason we don’t print one, because, think of it. When’s the last time you bought a dictionary? Hm, didn’t think so. We do it digitally because it means it’s with you wherever you go. You can log into this digital coding wherever you are: phone, tablet, computer.
But here’s the best part. You want to look up a code, we have a picture of the body. Click on that body part, it brings up the codes, muscular/skeletal. Or if you’re saying, “I’m not sure,” type in lumbar. Type in sprain. How about type in restless leg syndrome? How about type in piriformis syndrome? Those are all there. The beauty of what we’ve done is we’ve put, also, those colloquials. For instance, the code of piriformis syndrome actually is the code that says lesion of sciatic nerve. That code is G57.01 and 02 for right and left, but we parenthetically put with it piriformis syndrome so that you know that also that’s piriformis. The same applies like for tennis elbow, golfer’s elbow. We put those colloquial things so it’s easier to find. Same with facet syndrome. It’s an easy way of finding coding.
What we try to do with that is to make sure it’s pertinent to chiropractic. Not only with that coding manual do we have that, though, we have also CPT codes that could be looked up with full definitions. We have all the forms that we produce: outcome assessments, intake forms. We also have a medical dictionary up with there as well, and there’s another section that goes over all the orthopedic tests that are common. What it does is it doesn’t just tell you the orthopedic test. It tells you how to perform it and what a positive test generally means. It gives you some good access to know which ones I should or shouldn’t use. This digital coding is something else that we offer that I think makes it easy for your office. Here’s the beauty. You don’t have to buy it new. When you have it and the codes update, guess what automatically happens? It updates.
If you’re on this site, and you’re saying, “I can’t find the code,” give us a call. Because chances are, you’re just not looking for it right, or we’re going to help you find it. I’ll give an example. I had someone looking for plantar fasciitis. First of all, plantar fasciitis doesn’t actually exist in the way that people think. The code is actually plantar fascial fibromatosis. It doesn’t say plantar fasciitis. If you look up fasciitis, you can’t find it. But here’s why the office couldn’t find it. Because in our book, it does say plantar fasciitis, but she was spelling fasciitis with only two i’s. I’m sure most of you are aware it’s three. You do have to spell it correctly. If you can’t find it, ask. I’ll give another one. Parkinson’s disease requires an apostrophe s.
Again, if you type in Parkinson’s without the apostrophe, it doesn’t come up. Again, if you can’t find a code with our system, no problem. Okay? Call us. We’ll help you find it. Here’s the beauty. Think of that. It’s $89 for an entire year. How do you go wrong? It always updates. The $89 is because you’re a ChiroSecure member, though, so make sure before you join, you got to get the ChiroSecure discount. Ultimately, we want to make sure that you’re getting the updates. Oh, by the way, those codes are going to update when? Oh, let me think. Codes are going to update October 1, 2018. Next year, when you hear the 2019 codes are coming, remember, when do they actually start? October 1st. When are they in our digital coding? September. You can find them. Actually, just type in the date, and you can pull up the search that way.
The final thing we have on the site, of course, is our HIPAA compliance. If you need HIPAA compliance as far as a manual and otherwise, that’s all there for you. It’s $9.99 a month. How do you go wrong? Simple. You’re done. Your office is trained. What we try to do is to make your office have easy compliance, a place where staff can do more. Let the doctor do the doctor stuff. Let staff deal with the billing. Let them call me. Join The Network. Make this your full suite of things. We want to be there to help you. Your success is our success. I can’t thank enough ChiroSecure, so I really appreciate them coming. Take a look at our website. Again, hjrosscompany.com. Or if you’re having any difficulty, you can always call us: 800-562-3335. I can’t thank enough Stu Hoffman and the ChiroSecure team for allowing us a few minutes with you. Please, take a look. We’re going to make sure you’re successful.
Speaker 2: This has been a ChiroSecure production.