Blog, Live Events April 24, 2021

Serving An Underserved Community – Dr. Frank Vaught

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Welcome to ChiroSecure’s weekly show Chiropractic, Connecting People and Communities with this week’s host Dr. Frank Vaught. As Dr. Frank says, and I quote, “What I am going to be sharing with you on my show is serving an underserved community, making sure that we’re getting the reach and stretch of chiropractic out there to a much higher level.” And now here’s Dr. Frank.

Hey, good morning. Good afternoon. That evening. It is a time somewhere everywhere. I’m definitely excited to be here today and especially talking about an issue. That’s something I’m so passionate about. Um, not only chiropractic, but I’m definitely bringing the reach out and getting to reach out to underserved communities. Um, people that, that oftentimes don’t have the access to chiropractic. Um, they don’t have the information, they don’t understand it. So it doesn’t allow us to get to the, uh, the scale that we can, we can get it to. Um, I remember being in chiropractic school and, and it’s, and it’s probably some of the best times in my life because, you know, I didn’t pay taxes. Um, you know, I, uh, I got a nice loan check. I, um, and everybody had the same amount of money as me. So chiropractic school was amazing when it came to, uh, a neutral foundation and platform.

But one of the things that I learned when I was in chiropractic school was, uh, that we were only reaching anywhere from nine to 11% of the population, nine to 11% of the population. And this, this blew my mind. And I said, man, when I get out, I’m going to get my percentage because it can’t be that many chiropractors out there, you know, going into communities or, or seeing these people, these, these chiropractic offices, they gotta be flooded. And then I realized as I began to practice, you know, there, there were chiropractors that, um, that weren’t seeing the people that they, that they wanted to see, they weren’t able to reach the people that they wanted to reach. And, um, and, and one of the big reasons why they’re there, there wasn’t, there wasn’t a, a connection. It wasn’t a bridge to that, to that community or those people, um, to getting chiropractic in its most purest, most raw form.

And the people that were getting it, they didn’t even understand the benefit or the value of what they were getting. So, so, so it’s crazy. The 11% that literally are getting chiropractic. Now the 11% that are getting chiropractic, they don’t truly understand and know the benefit. And then you got population that knows nothing, nothing about it at all, and what that robs this community of what it robs them all. There’s this thing called hope. And it’s one of the biggest things that we have the opportunity of chiropractors is sharing as giving. And it’s something that that’s just, just so amazing. Um, being a chiropractor right now, you can’t sit here right now. You can’t sit here and listen to me, even if you’re not practicing and you didn’t have that moment where you adjusted someone, you looked in their eyes and you saw the lights come on like that, you saw the lights come on, you saw hope being restored.

You saw, you know, bonded, just being broke, barriers, being eradicated through this vehicle of chiropractic and people were able to see that they can have hope. Um, it’s an exciting, exciting thing. So really just sharing with you with, with you, um, tremendously like how we as chiropractors reaching an underserved population and underserved community can change the world. Um, one of the things that I see in every community that I, that I, that I serve my office is extremely diverse. And one of the things that’s always is, is increased as this thing called productivity. Um, anybody that actually can experience chiropractic for some reason, they experienced these crazy amounts of, uh, productivity, but it’s not just with the, uh, with the, uh, with the patient, the practice members, it is with the doctors too. You find that when you go to a underserved community and you’re able to go out there and penetrate and reach your personal productivity begins to become massive.

Uh, some of the greatest leaders of our time, I mean, period, the greatest leaders of our time, the reason why they were the greatest leaders is because of their ability to impact every single community. Every single community have a reach, have a voice in them and give them something, whether it be negative or positive, but the greatest leaders of people that have been known for having the largest wingspan is the people that did it BJ. What did he do? He had a backpack. He had a backpack. And one of the things he did was he was constantly traveling. He was, and I’m not talking about going to Florida, the clear water to get your toes wet. I’m talking about he was going around the world, um, getting a green book. And he was, he was looking at some of the things that chiropractic was doing that it could do doing the research and sharing it with world leaders.

So you’re talking about a tremendous amount of the next thing you could do. And if anything is your creative activity, doctors, we already know as chiropractors. We are the most creative, we’re the most creative from chicken Venice to, to free, to, to raffle the TVs, to screenings in front of your office, to walking up to people and engaging them with compensation and giving them the gift, sharing the story of chiropractic. Like we do that better than anybody. We’re the most creative. So why isn’t it that we’re not reaching this underserved population? Why is it that this communities that are going on right now that aren’t receiving the benefits of what this thing was designed? Four, because our creativity gets stunted from this barrier. For some reason, the minute that we break through that barrier, the minute that we we go through and we actually start to execute and penetrate, you’d be surprised the level of creativity that you have to have.

Uh, I remember the first day in my practice, I had a personal injury patient. I never thought that I would do a personal injury patient until one walked in. She was a wellness patient. And she came in, I think I was about two or three months in practice. Yeah, no, two, three months in practice. Didn’t think I was going to do PR that’s where I didn’t. I honestly didn’t. And she came in and I sat down and I had to take soap notes. I had to take soap notes. I didn’t have the forms for school. I didn’t have the, um, the, the, all of the diagnosis codes that I needed. I didn’t know about classes, all of these different things. And I had to get real creative. I had to make a bunch of phone calls. I had to find out who Dr. Croft was, right.

It’s one thing to read them on your textbook when you study in school. But when you actually have to go and find this person to actually help you to be able to serve a population of people you never intended to serve. All of a sudden, I was in cross seminar in San Diego with the dots that had vineyards in and sitting down, talking about piano. And I became a top authority on it. I got, I got certified in it. And it was because I had to get really creative. I had to really start searching for the answers and that’s, what’s not happening right now. And it’s, and, and the thing about it is it, it never really existed. And it’s one of the reasons why my partners and I created evoke. So we could literally teach and train dogs, how to go and penetrate how to penetrate underserved communities.

It makes you more creative. It makes you more out of the box, anything and everything that’s out of the, anything and everything. That’s out of the box, out of the box. Thinking often times it’s one of the most, it can be more, it can be more difficult, but it’s the most beneficial. And it builds bridges to the next level. So with that productivity, with that creativity, these are things that all of a sudden begin to exude out of us. They begin to come out of us and it’s, and it’s something that, um, that can be directly indoctrinated and, and within our, in our passion for what we do, um, every single doctor that’s here, my wasn’t an, every single one of them. Well, not every single one of them, but a lot of you all have had experiences with going places like, um, salvation army, uh, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, uh, tenure, all of these places and doing mission work, man, you go down there with a bag full of t-shirts and shorts thinking that, man, I’m just going to go down here and, and give, you know, some of my, my talents away.

I’m going to go down here and, and get my, my skillset together. I’m going to go down here and, and really work on the things that, you know, God gave me the opportunity to be able to have present with these hands. And then you go down there and you realize that you got given more to you than you could ever imagine. You got given more to you are more filled up. You are more satisfied with nothing. You’re more satisfied with the nothingness of that, but nothing more than an exchange of the innate intelligence from above, down, inside and out. You talking about satisfaction, you talking about peace, you talking about joy, and then you talking about being field back up. So you, one of the things that I hear, a lot of chiropractors talk was I give, I give, I give, I give, I give, and you can’t give from an empty cup.

You can’t keep pouring. You can’t keep pouring. I’ve seen a lot of chiropractors at I’m going to the, you know, after the seminars and we go, and we, we have a couple of drinks and the, they, they finished the drinking and they keep trying to, there’s no more left. There’s nothing, there’s nothing. But when you go and you give and you serve, and it’s in the capacity that that has no knowing of, of, of what’s going to happen. All of the sudden you begin to get field, you talking about society satisfaction. Um, one of the greatest things, um, I learned with, with Dr. Schiffman, um, as, as being my coach, when I, when I entered in, into this profession and really starting to thoroughly immerse myself and, and, and in chiropractic and the principles, uh, one of the things that, uh, that, that he would say, and, and it was become one with the ball now becoming one with the bone has nothing to do with the community.

It has nothing to do with a place that you’re at, how you were brought up, what, you know, it’s everything to do with your God given gift, uh, to heal, to be the healer. And this is why it supports our communities in thriving, something else that’s really, really instrumental. Um, that I, that I look at, uh, you talk about the state of health. Um, you talk about, uh, disparities and, and we, we sit up and we look at the news and we talk about the wrongs in society. We have a huge, huge, huge, um, opportunity within that. Our office is our places of healing. Our offices are places where community lives. Our offices are our places where people connect. We literally have communities within our offices. And if we’re able to go to this community and, and go to that community and begin to pull people together, because pain doesn’t have a color trying to tell you pain doesn’t have a race.

It doesn’t have a community. It comes from everywhere, and it goes everywhere. It exists everywhere. But when people have these, these, these discomforts, which whatever brings them in one of the things that we have the opportunity to is be glue. We have an opportunity to not only be the glue, but also to be the energy, be the ignition, to have transformation in the communities. And, and, and, and that’s, I don’t want to really get us out there and get us looking at, okay, we need to go out here. You need to be one of the Teresa, right? It wouldn’t be bad to be the mother Teresa of chiropractic. I mean, it’s, it’s not nothing. I mean, if you’re a passionate chiropractor and you’re out there and you’re in the trenches every day, and you give adjustments to the point sometimes where you see people get up and you get tears in your eyes.

I mean, man, I mean, it it’s, it’s, uh, you know, it wouldn’t, it wouldn’t bother you, but everybody, that’s not everybody, not only is this phenomenally, uh, something that’s going to be blue within the community to give us stability and strength and give us a thrive lifestyle. It’s also going to be economically powerful. Um, I know of your chiropractor. I know you’re hearing me. Um, and, and you give to the community, um, one of the things that you have to, if you’re able to pull from a underserved communities is actually be able to financially have a lot more. And with the ability to have more, you’re able to share more and you’re able to give more, um, powerful, powerful thing that happened to me. Um, uh, I had a child came, come in and, um, and, and the doctors told her that, that she wouldn’t walk again.

Um, she’s in my office, she’s called miracle baby. Uh, she was born at cast on her legs and, and, and all of these, these, these issues he’d been to ortho, she’d been, uh, a pediatric physical therapist. She had a procedure done, was warm embraces. And, and the next thing that they were going to do was have surgery. She got one adjustment, she got one adjustment. She got one adjustment. I did a little YouTube video on it, but she got one adjustment and she went home and walked that day. Now, if I hadn’t been a chiropractor out, swinging my spine had at a health fair and a community center that child wouldn’t have be walking would not be walking today. And she does karate. Now, uh, she’s playing the piano. She’s in dance workshops. He’s one of the highest in the class. And so she’s seven years old, Pete, not to listen to this she’s seven years old.

And she does community service, community service at the fire department. She’s seven years old, beautiful child. You know, these are moments and these are ways that we change the world. Oftentimes we hear about, you know, I want to change the world. We go to these seminars. We, we sit down, we look up at the stage. We, we, we, we, we, our eyes are in and all right, they’re all. And it’s, and it’s always about changing the world, but changing a world number starts, number one with one person at a time. If you change a person’s world, if you change a person’s world, you’ve changed the world. And if you change it for a positive way, you know, these are the abilities that we have to be extremely impactful and also to really live, live on purpose. So when you talk about diversity within the profession, and if you’re a chiropractor, that’s out there preaching and screaming and talking about the principles and, and talking about, you know, changing that, that, that dynamic of the 11%, which is now by the way, six to, I believe six to 8%, if that, because it’s going down then diversity within the profession is the only way that we can make a reach.

It’s the only way that we can get a broad band. It’s the only way that we can be expansive. Every other profession, that’s medical reaches, every single community, educate every single community from elementary school, all the way up to graduate level, except for chiropractic. It’s not going to be the schools that’s going to do it. It’s not going to be the, the, uh, the, the community centers. It’s not going to be the hospitals. It’s going to be the courageous doctors that take a stand to go into communities and make a change. I’m not talking about stepping into, um, Iraq like environments, but I am talking about taking a stand, stepping outside, getting outside your comfort zone and taking time to really go in and penetrate a specific, a specific community that that is not getting served. A town next to you that no one has never come from a community that has the highest disparities, um, looking at conditions because we have chiropractic baby.

We don’t need a protocol. All we need is a heart full of love and grace. Something that’s extended to us on a daily basis from our father, something that’s given to us on a daily basis. So right now, what I do is I urge you. I urge you. I urge you. If we’re going to get past the percentage of we’re going to get a mass circulation of people. If we’re going to reach people, touch people with the vehicle of chiropractic something. That’s dear to me, I got, I got a son that’s just left. He’s in Kuwait right now. I’m an army veteran myself. My son’s a Marine or my brother’s air force flight heavy in the military and my family. And, and one of the things I talked to them about as being a servant, and I’ve talked to my staff about being a servant.

And I was taught that in this profession, that we’re servants, what a servant does is a servant puts others before him. All right. And say, you’re not a servant, but say, you just happened to believe in God. And one thing guys says is treat the, as thyself, your neighbor is anyone on the right? That’s your neighbor. Some got distant neighbors. Some got ones that are closer, but our neighbors are anyone on the planet. Reach out, take the steps. If you don’t know what to do, how to do it, we can show you what evoke, evoke, Come to our information, get it because we want to see chiropractic go to mass circulation. I would hate to think I would hate to think that my, my, my great grandchildren won’t get a specific scientific chiropractic adjustment. If no one in my family is a chiropractor because of the community that they may live in.

Please take the steps, please do what it takes to support our profession and thriving. Give us a chance. Let’s increase the circulation of this wonderful, wonderful profession that we have, and let’s change the world together. And I want to thank you guys for your time. I want to, I want to let you know that, um, if there’s anything I can do for you personally, I want to support you in reaching that community. And next week, don’t forget to tune in. You saw the beautiful young lady’s face comment, Chen Yen. She’s going to have some absolutely phenomenal information for you. Can’t wait to see you there. Be blessed.
