Blog, Chirosecure Live Event March 10, 2025

Social Media Marketing for Personal Injury – Mark Studin

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Hi, I’m Dr. Mark Studin, and today with ChiroSecure, we’re going to bring you why social media marketing works, doesn’t work, and how it could work so much better in the chiropractic industry. And I’m going to focus on personal injury. Because one of the biggest pushes we have right now in our industry, is social media marketing for P. I. Cases. Now, why P. I. Cases? Because personal injury honestly pays a lot more. However, you still do the same thing. Your patient gets adjusted, they get managed, etcetera. And we’re seeing social media right now replace print dance. TV, radio, cable stations, and now it’s social media. That’s the latest and greatest medium.

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And there’s companies out there that are marketing heavily market with us through social media. We use LinkedIn, we use, this special program that will, like manna from heaven, they’ll come to you, they’ll work, but you know what, it does work and that’s the problem it works first when you have to reach out to a referral source.

You’ve lost. Game’s over. You’ve lost. You have to get them to run after you. My wife had cancer. I’ve discussed that in the past. I had to run after the surgeon and practically beg them to take her case. And that’s literal, by the way. And I needed a favor of a friend in order to do that saved her life.

Now, why don’t they run after us like that? And I’ve talked about that as well. So here’s what you do. You’re working in personal injury. You hire a company to do social media market or do it yourself and you get the referral. Guess what? The lawyer sees the same nonsense they’ve seen in the past where you they don’t want to work with you.

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They don’t want to refer to you because your documentation is the same. What they call the old Cairo one step, two step. It’s garbage. They’re losing their cases because of many chiropractors. And chiropractic doesn’t understand. In addition, attorneys need credentials of a doctor to get their cases accepted into testimony.

So you become, so when you hire a company, you do the social media marketing, the lawyer sees that you become a one and done, forever with them, forever. And you know what’s worse than not getting the referral? Becoming that one and done with the attorney. Now what occurs is that you’ve got to understand a few things.

Most doctors don’t even understand the basics when it comes to personal injury. And what else is disheartening is doctors who do decompression. It’s the same genre. They don’t understand the difference between a herniated extruded disc. But yet you’re doing decompression and you’re treating something you don’t fully understand.

When you’re dealing with attorneys beyond that understanding, You must have credentials. So what we’ve done is we’ve created a relationship with the state university of New York at Buffalo school of medicine and biomedical sciences. So you get credentials. through medical academia and chiropractic academia, which is really terrible and it’s disgusting.

It’s the same education, the same information, but when you get the chiropractic academic stamp on it or the medical academic stamp, who are they going to refer to? You know the answer to that. They’re going to refer to the one who has medical academia behind them. And that also makes your competition irrelevant.

But now when you get the reports in, and you’ve got your patient through social media and you get your MRI reports. According to spine journal in 2017, there’s a 43. 6 percent error rate in general radiologists reading MRI spine. In reality, neurosurgeons I work with say there’s a 95% error rate of general radiologist.

I find an 85% error rate. But first you’re delivering a high velocity, low amplitude thrust into your patients on almost a 50% mistake, and you’re relying on that report. But now you’re dealing with the attorney, many of whom were losing their cases. Because you’re relying on improper information and then they run it all the way through the legal system and you’re in either depositions or you’re in the witness stand or they’re sending it out to their defense medical exam and I say no, it’s not that.

It’s not that at all. Oh, that person’s lying. Guess what? A good portion of the time they’re not. The report was either over read or under read. But you need to know that. One of the single best way to get a lawyer to continue to want to work with you. Listen, Mr. Lawyer, you see this report? It says there’s no herniation.

There really is. And I’m going to get the radiologist to, to rewrite it. Or, Mr. Lawyer this radiologist reported there was a herniation and there wasn’t. That latter of the scenario is going to cost the lawyer more money, because they’re going to really work that case and at the end of the day get nothing and destroy their relationship.

I’m going to be using x ray digitizing, this inverter specifically, and I’m going to show you this ligamentous tearing. There’s no herniation, but we found in our research that settlements without herniations go up 980 percent using subverted technology on ligament laxity and ligament impairments.

So we show that clearly and you can’t use a third party in that. You can’t refer that out to someone who’s got a radiologist to read because lawyers call that hearsay and they don’t want to work with you and it’s an issue and you’ve got to understand all of these things. If you want to deal, if I am a mechanic, I’m a mechanic, I went to mechanic school.

But if I want to work in Volvo, or Mercedes, or Porsche. Or Lamborghini, it does or Volkswagen. It doesn’t matter. They require you to go to Volkswagen, Mercedes Porsche, Lamborghini school on top of that, you need to be a certified technician within that specialty in medicine, oncology, radiology hematology, endocrinology.

You got to go to all those different schools. We are not a ones we’re not immune to learning about what specialty you’re working in. You need advanced training in what you’re doing because if you don’t have advanced training, you’re going to be a one and done. You want to work in personal injury, go to teach doctors.

com become trauma qualified, become MRI qualified. Now you’ve got specialty training in that and you’ve got credentials through the state university of New York at Buffalo school of medicine on those things. So now lawyers not will work with you, but can work with you. And now when you do your social media marketing, it’ll work.

If you have associates, they need to be trained also, because you’re only as strong as your weakest link. The attorneys are going to subpoena, especially defense your associates. If they treated a patient, not you, and you have to list them as treaters. Those are the rules. You can’t say you’re the treater and they treated them.

You need their license number on there. Yeah, your tax ID number’s on there, but you need their license number, their NPI number. All that stuff’s got to be there. You can’t hide that stuff. But right now I’ve got two million, seventy nine thousand four hundred and twenty six referrals into chiropractic offices in addition to what they were doing.

Mostly personal injury in all fifty states. Since 2012 over 2 million over 2 almost 2. 1 million Why because we’ve tweaked so many things and one of the things that we tweaked which is critical are credentials Now social media marketing really works. But frankly, I think it’s a gross waste of your money Because you’re going to end up becoming a one and done and destroying your reputation Perhaps forever and that’s really important because you only get one shot at one One shot at a first impression.

So one of the things I recommend to my consulting clients The doctors I know when I lecture around the country or actually around the globe right now is You need to prepare and one of my mentors He, I don’t want to mention his name, but he owned 36 imaging centers. The guy at a very young age, he worked in corporate America, worked his way up to be, by the time he was 40, he was CEO of household name companies.

The guy was just brilliant and he taught me a word, one word of success. I said to him, what’s your secret of success in your business? And he goes, Mark, it’s infrastructure. You build an infrastructure and everything will, should succeed if you’ve got the right plan. But this infrastructure is step one.

And this is building the right infrastructure. Your chiropractic license is the entry point. That’s your key to starting. That’s your starting line. That’s not your ending line. Almost every doctor who’s not done anything It look there’s always the exception this guy found lightning in a bottle. He was charismatic He could talk, he could sell ice to an eskimo the old proverb.

But the average chiropractor Most of them struggle why because you’re really not you’re a jack of all trades, but not a master of one Master what you do you want personal injury cases social media is a means it’s a piece of the puzzle That comes after you build your infrastructure of credentials It’s just about building your infrastructure.

And that sincerely. So listen the message is simple today. You build it and they will come just like field of dreams. Build your infrastructure. Do not become a one and done. Don’t throw your money down the toilet. That’s going to end up not getting you a whole lot of places. Ensure that you are knowledgeable, you’re credentialed, your associates are credentialed, and knowledgeable.

You’ve got to understand what’s the difference between a herniated bulge, protruded, extruded disc, sequestered disc, fragmented disc. Common unit disc, migrated disc, bulge is it degenerative? Is it post traumatic? Where are the recurrent meningeal nerves residing? Does the fecal sac, is it innervated?

What level innervates it? What causes it to radiate? Is there just a biomechanical failure? You’ve got to understand about syringomyelia and where and what happens when it’s in the lumbar spine. You have to know what a tarlov cyst is. There are so many things and they are not hard to learn, but you need to understand it.

And I just gave you a teeny tiny piece, but you should be able to rattle these things off. If you can’t answer the difference of what’s the difference between chordedema and myelomalacia, you’re in trouble if you don’t understand what a myelopathy is, which has nothing to do with muscles.

You’re in trouble, because those are the patients that are coming in. If a patient’s coming in with a vascular issue, you have to understand, are they undergoing a vascular incident? I didn’t cause it. But you have to be able to manage it. These are the things you have to understand. Your license isn’t going to give you this information.

That’s your starting point. So I urge you. Get smarter, get credentialed, use medical academia to springboard your career. You want to call me anytime you want. My phone number is 631 786 4253. You can get my, just Google me. My phone number is all over the place. That’s my cell number. Just a chitchat.

I’m not looking to sell you anything. You want to chat, you call me. Listen, thank you so much. Thank you, ChiroSecure, for giving me this platform. And I look forward to catching you next month.


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