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Hey, good morning, good afternoon, wherever you’re listening to this from. I’m Dr. Tim Weir, live in Raleigh, North Carolina. I want to thank ChiroSecure for letting me be a part of your day today. What an incredible honor and opportunity it is for me to be here. So much going on in the world today. So much going on in chiropractic, in medicine.
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And really what it boils down to is all of us doing our own thing and making sure that you have the perfect practice to do that in. So I just wanted to spend today talking to you a little bit about that perfect practice and how you can make it happen wherever you’re at. Not a business building thing, it’s just really getting down to the basics of how you function.
One of the first things that we talk about when we talk about the perfect practice is, and I say practice. You just, you’re in practice, and you’re gonna be practicing until the day they close the lid on your coffin. Because every one of us learns every single day. And if you’re not doing that, then you’re not doing it right.
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You got to get back to learning. You got to get back to doing what you love and loving what you do. I’m amazed by how many people live for the weekend. It’s, Oh my God, it’s Wednesday. It’s Wednesday. I can’t wait till Friday night, then I’m off. Evidently, you’re not doing what you love or you’re doing the right thing.
Right thing in the wrong place. Does that make sense? So you gotta get, let’s get you back on track. Do what you love and love what you do. Find out what you need to change and change it. I remember about 10 years ago, I was, I had been practicing, I graduated in 81 from Palmer College. And I graduated, started practicing, and I practiced every day.
I would go to the office but I got into a rut and got into the routine of doing the same thing over and over again. I’ve said before, my. My license renewals, I’d go to an activator seminar if I had to twice a year I would do that. That’s all I did was activator seminars for my license renewals.
And then I got to the point where I just didn’t want to do it anymore. I got tired of going to the office, got tired of dealing with patients, got tired of dealing with staff. If I’m talking to you, raise your hand. And so I almost got to the point where I was going to quit. And then I got hooked up with Dr.
Mark’s student at the Academy of Chiropractic. And I really liked doing PI. Because I found out there’s like this investigative part of me that loves delving in and finding out what’s wrong. Why did this happen? How did this happen? And so Mark helped me get into learning how to do that to the best of my ability.
And from that point, I’ve had just a blast. I’m telling you on Sunday, I love my church. I love going to church, love doing all that stuff. But Sunday night comes, I’m ready to get back into the office on Monday morning. Four days, it’ll be my 43rd year, 44th year I’m coming on. Man, it goes fast. I’m telling you.
And so find out what you love doing and then do it to the best of your ability and work hard doing it. I hear a lot of consultants. I’ve seen consultants, they’re like, like 18 years old, I don’t know how they got a license, but they’re 18 years old and then they’re putting out these seminars of how to have the best, biggest practice in the world.
They’re 18 friggin years old and they’re telling me what to do. Listen, when you’ve been doing it for 44 years and you’re doing it every day and you’re making a good living doing it, I want to hear from you. So I’m telling you some good stuff today because you can do it. You can make it. It’s just an incredible thing, but you got to work hard.
These people who say, work two days a week and then, go to the beach the rest of the day. That’s just stupid. Get in doing what you love, take care of sick people, get them well and enjoy what you do. Now that’s point number one practice, get into practice every day. And here, I’m in my office at 5.
30 in the morning. And at about quarter to six, I have people lined up waiting to get in. I feel like Clarence Gantz did, but no, I’m not. I just found that people like to come in early. It gives me an early start and probably 40, 50 percent of my day is done. By 10 o’clock, 11 o’clock in the morning. So I get in here and bam, hit it hard.
Now, I’m going to tell you when I go home at night, I am bushed, but that’s a good feeling. It’s a good feeling to go home and just be bushed and go to sleep and wake up and with an excitement to get back in the office. So practice. Number two, Don’t try to be somebody else. Don’t try to play, you just got to be you.
Somebody asked my wife one time is this what he’s like all the time? Yes. I’m this way at home. I joke. I have fun. I love doing what I do. In fact, our motto for our practice, I wish I had taken a picture of it for you. It’s a big wall and it’s got Those that greenery stuff on it, and then our logo, our motto is in lights on that wall.
And it says, get well dot, have fun. You got to understand these people come to your office sometimes five times a week, four times a week, three times a week, whatever it is. So I try to make my office as fun as possible. Now I joke with my patients, but they know how serious I am. They know how serious I am by the care I provide, but we have a great time in the office.
Now, if that’s not you, if you’re skunky, you’re really grumpy and everything, don’t try to, don’t try to play. You gotta be you. But if you like being light and happy, be light and happy. Play the kind of music you like in the office because you’re the one that has to sit in there. So many hours a day.
So play, if you love jazz I love jazz. I was raised in gospel music. So play whatever music you want, but make sure that you’re having a good time when you’re there. You’ve got to be you. Don’t forget to tell your staff what you’re doing. You got to make sure. So our staff, our motto is get well, have fun.
You got to make sure your staff knows your motto. You, if you’re doing something special in the office, don’t keep it to yourself. You, your staff better be aware of it because for example, if you put something out on social media, And you’re telling them you’ll call the office today for a scan of the brain.
That’s going to check whatever. And you don’t tell your office, people are going to be calling your office and say, I want the brain scan. They’re going to say, I don’t know what you’re talking about. You got to be so clued in the whole staff has to be so synced in together. It’s the synergistic thing.
Synergy is this. If I have a horse that pulls a thousand pounds, you would think if I had two horses pulling, it would pull. 2, 000 pounds. Twice that. But the effect of synergy is instead of pulling 1, 000 pounds, those two horses are going to pull probably 6, 000 pounds. A synergistic effect. That’s what you want in your practice.
You want all of you pulling in the same direction at the same time so that your practice goes through the roof. So number one practice. Making sure that you do what you love and love what you do. Number two is be you. Be incredible you. You are so awesome that you have, number one, picked to be a chiropractor.
We all have these incredible stories of how we got into chiropractic. Someday I’ll have to come back and tell you mine. It’s amazing. Number three is you’re going to be you, but be the best you that there is. In order to do that, you’re going to have to do something that I already talked to you a little bit about, and that is to become educated.
Warren Buffett once, somebody said, What’s the most important thing you can invest in? And Warren Buffett said, The most important thing you can invest in is yourself. So you’ve got to invest in yourself. You’ve got to make sure. That you’re becoming the best you that you can be in the chiropractic practice.
That means becoming the best chiropractor in the whole world. So I told you about Dr. Student, how I got involved with the Academy of Chiropractic. Because if you’re going to do PI, for example, you have got to be the best of the best. Listen, you’ve got insurance companies that are spending billions, that’s with a B, billions of dollars.
www. chiropractic. com In making sure that you don’t get your money. So in order to come against that, you’ve got to, you’ve got to make sure that you’re good at what you do. And that takes a lot of time, energy, and education. You’ve got to spend time educating yourself. Remember me and the activator that just didn’t cut it with PI.
You’ve got to know that, so I have taken myself from just being a graduate of chiropractic and gone through a number of different steps and studies. For example, did a MRI qualification, where I have learned how to read MRI. I found out I loved reading MRIs. I just absolutely loved it.
Had never read one before in my life. I had never even looked at one. I just read the report. Remind me to tell you why you need to learn how to do that. My next step was taking a fellowship, a mini fellowship in MRIs. I did that through one of the professors at the SUNY, State University of New York, Buffalo School of Medicine, Jacobs School of Medicine.
Wow! Changed my life. I’m telling you, from that point on, I could read books. MRI, just as good as a neuro rad could. Now, my next steps up from that, there were a number of different steps, but then finally to become a fellow in primary spine care through the state university of New York’s Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine.
Wow. It puts you on a whole different plane so that when you have to talk to somebody, that, that, so in getting my MRI certificate and my credentials in my fellowship, It puts you on a level where you’re talking to the radiologist and saying, Listen, I think we missed something here.
The average radiologist who is not credentialed in for example neuroradiology, really is bad at reading MRIs of the spine. They’re terrible and they’re wrong so many of the times. So if they’re wrong, And you don’t read your own MRIs. You’re going to get that MRI report and say, Oh, there’s nothing wrong with you.
Mrs. Jones. We’re just going to keep treating you when there could be a huge disc or even cancer. I just had one with cancer just a couple of weeks ago where the report came back normal. And I called the radiologist and I said, I think we missed something here. Can you take another look at this? And I always love talking to him and I can hear, Oh, that’s exactly what he said.
Malignant from lung all through the spine. They missed it. So you become so good at this. So that’s what you got to find out. What if it’s MRI or if it’s whatever you want to become good at please take the time to become the best that you can of that. You’ll be so proud of yourself. You’d be so glad you did.
I’m telling you, it takes your. Your confidence up to another level. It is not the same as it was in 1981. 1981 I could do some adjustments, right? Back pain on a piece of toilet paper 50 for the adjustment, send it to the insurance company. I got paid. That doesn’t work no more. You’ve got to be credentialed and it doesn’t it isn’t just any credential that you can get credentialed in.
You. You can’t just take a weekend seminar and say I got this. The judge is going to throw you right out of court. So decide what you want to become and become the best of the best. So number one practice. Number two is be you in doing all of this, be you. And number three, be the best you that there is.
And number four. Because of the season that we’re in. I want to tell you something, be thankful for what you have. Spend time every day. I get up early in the morning. I’m up at 4. 15 in the morning, by the way. And I spend time a little bit in prayer and meditation, and I spend time reading. But I also write down, I journal what I’m thankful for.
I’m thankful for all kinds of doc, I’m really not afraid, I’m afraid there’s really nothing I’m thankful for. Really? If you have a family, if you have a marriage, if you have a house that you live in, your practice, it might not be the best practice that you got right now, but you can work on it.
Thank God that you have the ability to work at it. You can go into a toilet in the inside of your house and go to the bathroom and flush it. I can go to that light switch over there, flip on the light, and a light comes on. You can be thankful you’re not laying down in a cancer ward somewhere with cancer of the spine.
We all have something to be thankful for. Be thankful for what you have. Somebody, I told somebody sometime, you’ve got to, I told him the story one time. I had, somebody needed some money and I gave him 500 or so. It’s 500, 000, something like that. And somebody said if I had your money, I’d give it to.
And I said to him, how much money have you given to anybody right now? I’m going to wait until I got money. And I said, If you’re not giving it now from where you’re at, you wouldn’t give it when you were a millionaire. So start where you’re at. Start making, I’m serious, make a list of where you’re at and what you can be thankful for.
We all have stuff to be thankful for. I thank God for America. I thank God for chiropractic and what it’s done. So spend time being thankful. Somebody once said the, your attitude of gratitude. determines the altitude at which you fly. If you want to fly, if you want to be the best of the best, if you want to become great at what you do, be thankful.
Be you. Get back to loving chiropractic and become the best. Listen, you’ve been awesome. You’ve been I appreciate you listening. I also want to again, thank ChiroSecure. What an amazing thing that we can do to get together and they’re bringing us together as a family. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family and God bless you.
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