Blog, Chirosecure Live Event September 23, 2024

What’s Your Position on Drugs? – F4CP

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Hello, all ChiroSecure friends and family there. This is an important month that we come together and we showcase the benefits of chiropractic care. because the numbers are atrocious. I’m going to give you some numbers that you can look at and you can easily Google for the references, but I’m going to start with 18.

18 percent of our teens already have fatty liver. We’re going to move to 30%. That’s the number of teens that are pre diabetic. 40 percent is the number of teens that are currently overweight. 60 percent is the number of chronic. illnesses that are in this country, which means for six out of 10 adults are suffering right now with a chronic condition.

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74 percent of adults are overweight. And last, the highest number of all And the most positive number of all is 80%. 80 percent is the preventable death by that to which we can do something about. So today, we’re going to embark on this adventure together to do something about these dismal numbers.

Chronic pain management is part of what we do, and we do it very well. But we want to be able to also see the light of prevention because as you just heard, those teens are going to be suffering if those numbers keep growing. And our job, our responsibility, the ability to respond to these numbers come when we start talking about Drug Free Pain Management Awareness Month.

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So let’s dive in and really look at what is our responsibility to our community is to get the word out. We get this word out through these fabulous corporate sponsors. Of course, ChiroSecure is one of them, and that is why we always appreciate this opportunity to be with you on Facebook Live. Now, you’ve heard this before, September Drug Free Pain Management Awareness Month.

But have you done anything in your community yet? And I know your hands are busy on patients, but I desperately ask that you start to look at how do we position ourselves in the community when we know six out of ten are suffering with a chronic condition and that we also know that chronic pain management often means drugs.

And that means that we have current situation we need to rectify. This is a marketing roadmap for Drug Free Pain Management Awareness Month, but you can do something bigger. You can use your voice in your community that you can request a proclamation commemorating September as Drug Free Pain Management Month.

Now, it’s so simple, you’ll see it. It’s just fill in the blanks and the highlighted areas and it’s not too late because it’s never too late to help anybody or somebody who is suffering and we need to prevent it. We need to bring it up and we have a proclamation that drug free care should be always the first choice, not the last.

So we want to make sure that we’re always sharpening our saw. So looking at joints, such as that to which we have on Thursday, September 12th, you can always go back to these recordings. They’re part of membership. That was on joint efforts, and then coming up You could look at optimizing the performance of athletes so that they’re also thinking and knowing better than drug approaches.

And the truth about collagen. So these are all webinars that you can go back to in our vault and start sharpening your saw on Drug Free Pain Management Awareness Month. The one thing that we do highly recommend is that you keep your social media pages active. And that might be that you dedicate one day a week.

And you sit down and do it for a couple of hours, putting everything in place that’s going to be locking out during the week. Or maybe you have your front desk, or perhaps you have a wonderful young daughter or son that may be willing to help you out. However you can do it is going to be just an amazing next step for your community to actually learn that one in four patients Receiving long term opioid therapy and a primary care setting struggle with opioid use disorders.

We can do better for them. And having these white papers where we go into the community, and we really talk about naturally how you can alleviate something like a headache. These are chronic conditions people suffer with all the time. And from tension headaches to migraine headaches, Your hands and your diagnostic capabilities will help a patient who is suffering, but also what happened to me over and over again is talking to my parents in my community, they didn’t know the risks of painkillers.

They often didn’t really understand what an opioid was and why it was so addictive. So having a white paper, reducing the risks of painkillers with your chiropractic care. That’s really important. And you can get this out in a variety of ways, putting it on your website, perhaps making a YouTube video as you showcase the benefits of chiropractic care, and then electronically allowing others to read this, reducing the risk of painkillers.

There’s so many ways that we need to be in our communities. One of them is looking at the top Voices that are in the nation, and some would even argue in the world, like drug dealer MD with Anna, Dr. Anna Lebke, who is a phenomenal individual, and she has written not only drug dealer MD, but dopamine nation.

Recommended reading to all of you out there. And along with that recommended reading is Sam Kiones. What an amazing individual, super talented, super brave, and so willing to share how much the opioid epidemic has created. Some very unfortunate communities around the nation, but also he wrote about the positive side, which was his latest book, The Least of Us, and looking at one town that came together to make a big difference, turning churches that were dilapidated and no longer in use into care centers where people could come together and get the care they needed for their addictions.

So the opportunity. of where we go and what we do is unlimitless. But know this, when you keep yourself active in your community and you build out so much of what is important, such as your media cover, just bringing out the Choose Chiropractic for Drug Free Pain Management, that makes a difference for them.

PowerPoint presentations are available. It’s just a matter of when, and I mean it sincerely, when. Will you go into your community to do this presentation or even invite the community to your office so that you can share how much the opioid use epidemic is, which is what the American Medical Association is calling it now.

It is opioid use epidemic. That is the epidemic. So let’s be really active and help ourselves by using the September marketing roadmap. And it really does build awareness in regards to chiropractic care and outlining what we need to do to get our message out. Now, once you’ve got our message out, let us get our message to you on.

What are we doing for you? How are we helping to move the message and the benefits of chiropractic care around the globe? First we built out nine commercials. They were airing during major sporting events, and we built the awareness. with a hundred million people and I want you to reflect on what that really means.

The campaign was called Made Possible By and it’s been well aware that we’re doing golf, pickleball and rodeo and now our time is how are we going to reflect to the average American how chiropractic plays in their life. whether it’s a spectator sport or a participatory sport such as pickleball, which happens to be a very fast growing sport.

So one of the pieces is we want to reach 100 million patients that are perspective, that need a doctor, want a doctor, Or even think about their son, daughter, significant other, husband or wife getting a doctor of chiropractic in their particular health care regimen. So we want to pull through the big pieces and choosing chiropractic as in golf, many golfers out there that their swing they’re good.

Let’s just say it could use improvement, but so could their spinal alignment. So remember the top two injuries in golf, unfortunately, low back and often the elbow. So we have to also get out. Yes, we treat injuries and yes, they’re extremity injuries, but you could put any of these posters in your up front on the front desk.

You could put them in your office. You could take them down to if you’re, In an area that, there’s youth, they love rodeo. In fact, it is amazing how quickly this rodeo has caught on with our youth because probably there’s been several movies that have come out that are rodeo based, and there’s several TV shows that you may have been aware of that have come up.

So let’s make sure balance and stability It’s made possible through chiropractic care. Now we just finished filming the Pickleball commercial and it is such a joy because now we’re hitting ages from youth to our aging adults, and they’re coming together to play one fun sport, Pickleball. And as you’ll see that rolling out, we know it’s a fast growing sport, but we also want people to be aware that.

With all good things, such as sporting events, participation is critical, and knowing that there is someone who can be there before the injury, and also if there’s an injury. And age should not be a factor, and if you have not listened to Adjusted Reality, I’m this is one of the best. We have our darling 98 year old Elaine Lalaine.

Many of you will remember that name. She is in fact Jack Lalaine’s wife widow, and she is still going strong. She’s just a rock star, a heart of gold, and loves the chiropractic profession. And then, If you need a little more inspiration we just dropped Jasmine Perez, Conquering the Peaks. This is what we want to do in our own life.

So listen to her, get motivated by, and actually think about what does it really mean in 60 hours to climb as much as doing twice that of Mount Everest with 90 seconds to spare. Listen, she is one of the greatest runners in the world. She’s called a fell runner. That means that There’s no path. You just have to end up at a destination.

And I will tell you strength, courage, and tenacity is what we all need in our life. We need to be built up. Sometimes we need an Elaine LaWayne to say, it’s not about age. Sometimes we need a Jasmine Paris to say, It’s not about weakness. It’s about strength. So boost this with your front desk, boost it with your family, boost it with your friends, because this is how we grow through what we go through.

Now, here we are at FCA, big shout out to them. They’re so gracious to the Foundation for Chiropractic Progress, and we showed our new golf commercial. Now listen to this. For those of you that are sponsoring or members, Your money is making a difference. Why? We had our 32nd golf commercial play in August in Florida 734 times.

Isn’t that epic? Like when you think about chiropractic and it’s mainstream and that main media is picking us up and allowing us to get the spots that we can afford, allowing us to get the spots that may be a little more financially challenging that we would never gotten previously. It’s coming together.

It’s your money being put to good use and we’re going across the nation to do these kinds of things. And speaking of across the nation, please take this down right now. This is how we move the needle. You can register today, anyone, everyone. In fact, text this to someone you love. You can register.

It’s completely free. It’s a three day weekend. Some people will be live at the Cal Chiro event. Some people will be watching from all over the world. The world. I did say that if you go to f, the number four, chiro, you will be able to register for Kroon. This is the time to elevate, celebrate, and support the greatest profession on Earth, no matter what age you are, no matter what sport you play.

And we come together as chiropractors really showcasing the very best. We’ve got some awesome guests. We have professional athletes, celebrities, influencers, just a lot of good time. You can come for a 30 minute vignette or you can come for the entire three days. All I’m asking is you share the link to register.

You will get pinged on who is coming up next, and it’s an eclectic lineup, f4cp. org slash Cal Chiro will get you the registration if you feel so inclined, which of course we hope you will. A 5 donation today, listen, put the Starbucks aside and just do a small donation. Every dollar I promise you will go to something fabulous.

is in hopes that we all come together, we unite. And we prosper. In today’s world, that’s what all of us really need to do. We need to be together, showcasing our benefits, growing as much as we can, and as always, taking care of ourselves, our friends and family. So I hope to see you next month. It will be after CalChiro’s Chirothon, so you better show up because I need your support.

Thank you and I’ll look forward to seeing you next month. Isn’t it time you join the most powerful team of successful doctors in chiropractic and go for the gold? Simply go to www. f4cp. org slash package and get your customized practice success solution.


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